Chapter 141

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"You guys ready?" I asked, walking into the living room.

Tony was sitting on the couch with his arm resting above his head, watching the morning news. Sure enough, Emerson was sitting beside him on the couch, arm resting above her head, watching the news as well. I smirked and sat on the other side of Emerson.

"You ready to go Em?" I asked.

She shook her head no and grinned.

"I know, me either. But mommy and daddy have a doctors appointment." I said.

"Why?" She asked.

"So we can see how your baby brother or sister is doing." I answered.

She looked at me confused.

"Where is it?" She asked.

"In my belly." I smirked.

She looked down at my stomach.

"In there?" She asked.

"Yes. Do you want to feel?" I asked.

She was hesitant, but nodded.

I took her hand and laid it on my stomach. She waited, but the baby finally kicked. She pulled her hand away fast and looked at me amazed. I couldn't help but get tickled.

"It's ok Emmy, see?" Tony said, laying his hand down.

She laid her hand down once again, long enough for the baby to kick and move around a little. She giggled and moved her hand away again. Tony and I smiled.

About that time, Easton walked through the front door.

"I wish you'd call first." I glared.

"Not gonna happen momma dog. I heard you have a doctors appointment, so I'm here to save Emerson from Boredom. Come on kiddo, let's go get some ice cream!" He smiled.

She ran towards the door.

"Ice cream!" She grinned as Easton picked her up.

"See ya later guys!" He said, leaving the house.

"Well, ok then." Tony said.

I smirked and headed towards the door.

"I'm leaving you." I said.

"Ok ok." He smirked and got in the car.

We headed towards the doctors office.

"It's hard to believe that in 3 months we are going to be parents again." He smiled.

"Tell me about it." I smirked, turning my head to the right to look out the window.

"Tony! Look ou-"

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