Chapter 76

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"So what is it like?" A voice woke me to reality as I fed Aiden. I looked over at Kensi.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Being married, having kids. Is it crazy? Do you regret any of it?" She asked, the majority of her attention on Easton.

I thought about my answer for a moment.

"Everything for me went so fast. Is it crazy and hectic at times? Of course. But there are those moments, their first words, steps, when all four of us are happily asleep on the couch. It's those moments that outshine the bad. And I wouldn't change any of it for the world." I finally answered.

She looked over at me and smiled.

"Will you have any more?" She asked.

I thought about it again. I opened my mouth to answer, but before I could my phone rang. I rested the bottle on the ground and answered.

"Hello? Already? Alright, we are headed that way." I hung up.
"They caught the guy. We need to head back."

She nodded as we loaded everything up in the car and headed back. When we arrived at the office, all my people had all their luggage, as if we were leaving from there.

"Say your goodbyes crew. It is time to head back home." Gibbs commanded, heading towards the car.

We all said our byes, gave our hugs, and finally we were headed to the airport.

"You ok?" Tony asked as we stepped onto the plane.

I lied and nodded.

Like before, we handed our kids over to Abby and McGee, I got in the fetal position holding on for dear life, and off we went. Headed for home sweet home.

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