Chapter 127

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The sound of crying woke me up. I rolled over to see what time it was. The clock read 3:00 A.M. 

"It's your turn." I said rolling back over and shutting my eyes. 

Tony moaned and shook his head. 

"Up up." I said. 

"Ugh." He stood up and stretched as he walked over to the bassinet on my side of the bed. 

"Alright little guy, easy." He lifted the infant out of the bed and bounced him up and down. 

The crying softened, but didn't stop. 

"Will you hold him while I fix a bottle? Please?" He asked. 

I sighed and sat up in bed. Tony transferred the tiny human into my arms and left the room. I pulled my knees up and laid Noah on them that way he was looking at me. 

"You just can't handle when we finally get to sleep can you?" I asked. 

He grinned at me. 

"Yea that's what I thought." I smirked. 

Tony walked back into the bedroom and sat beside me with a warm bottle. He picked up Noah off my lap and began to feed him. The way Noah ate was great. He would snuggle up to you, shut his eyes, and raise his little arms straight up in the air. We had no idea why, but it was adorable. We both laughed. 

Not long after Noah was fed and back asleep. Tony held him close and smiled. I looked up at Tony and saw the love in his eyes. 

"You really want to do this all over again don't you?" I asked. 

"I do. I really do." He nodded. 

I looked down at Noah then back up at him. 

"Fine. But under two conditions." 

He looked up at me. 

"One, once Easton has a kid all bets are off. Rather we have had one yet or not. My kid will not be younger than my kid's kid. Two, start planning that trip. I would like to enjoy it to its full capacity." I said. 

He smiled and nodded. 


"Where is he? Where is Noah!?" 

Tony and I were sitting at our desk when we heard a lady yelling. Noah was asleep in his carrier next to Tony's desk. The young lady yelling was the one we took from her home 2 weeks ago. It was Noah's mother. I stood up in front of her so she couldn't get to the baby. 

"Easy ma'am. I need you to back up." 

"And I need my Noah!" She screamed, pushing me back. 

Tony stood up. I signed him to stay with Noah. I spun the lady around keeping her hands behind her back. 

"What was that?" I asked. 

She was silent. 

"Ease up. She's free to go. Give her the kid and get her out of here." Gibbs demanded. 

Tony lifted Noah out of the carrier and held him out so we could both see him. I laid my hand on his little head and rubbed it. Rather he was ours or not, we had spent the last 2 weeks as if he was. 

"Bye little man." Tony whispered, brushing his thumb against his head. 

The lady walked over and yanked the baby from Tony's arms. Without another word she was out of the building and so was Noah. I watched Tony never take his eyes off that baby as they left. 

Gibbs walked over to us. 

"Rule 11. When the job is done, walk away."

Probie: An NCIS FanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora