Chapter 138

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I went back to work that same day even though Tony gave me a lecture about how bad of an idea it was on the way there.

"There's our little accident waiting to happen!" McGee yelled as I walked off the elevator.

"Ha ha you're so funny." I glared.

He grinned.

"What are you doing here? Go home." Gibbs demanded.

"Please let me stay. I'll do desk work, I'll help Abby in the lab. Anything, just don't send me home. I'll go crazy there by myself all day." I begged.

"Fine. But you are not to leave this building for any reason related to the case. Understood?" He asked.

"Understood." I said.

"Here, take this down to Abby and help her with it. Two sets of hands are better than one when it comes to this computer stuff. McGee, Dinozzo. Go get the car. You're with me." He said handing me the victims laptop.

I jumped in the elevator and headed down to Abby's lab. The music was blaring as always. I'd be worried if it wasn't.

"What happened!?" She said as she turned down the music and lightly grabbed onto my arm.

"Just a little accident with a suspect today. Not a big deal, but I was put on office duty. Saying that, Gibbs sent this down and asked that if help recover whatever we can off of it." I said laying the laptop on her desk.

"Will you start? I have to finish up these fingerprints and then I'll help." She said.

I nodded and sat on the desk beside where she was working, holding the laptop in my lap.

"Guess what." I asked, typing away.


"I have a surprise to show you."

"Surprise? Show me show me!" She squealed.

I pulled out the two ultrasound pictures that the doctor gave me today and handed them to her. She looked at them, then back up at me.

"No way! You're pregnant!?" She squealed.

I smirked and nodded.

She hugged me tight.

"Ah easy. Arm." I tensed up.

"Right. My bad. I'm so excited!!" She grinned.

Tony and I were the only two who knew about the baby. We hadn't told anyone yet but I couldn't keep it to myself any longer.

"You can't tell! We haven't told anyone, not even my parents." I said.

"My lips are sealed. Have you told Emmy yet?" She asked.

"I mean Tony and I have talked about it around her, but she is too little to understand." I said.

"Do you know if it's a boy or girl yet?" She asked.

"We aren't going to find out this time."

"You are killing me! How am I suppose to spoil it before it's born if I don't even know what it is!?" She dramatically raised her arms up in the air.

I smiled and shrugged.

"You'll just have to wait and see."

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