Chapter 133

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Tony and I decided to pay a little extra and get an earlier flight back home that way we could surprise Emerson when she woke up. I turned to look at Tony. He was focused on the scenery outside of the plane window.

"Whatcha doin?" I asked.


"Thinking bout what?"

"Everything. Life. Choices." He answered.

"Well stop it cause you're stressing me out." I said grabbing his hand.

He smiled.

"How much longer?" He asked.

"About 15 minutes."

"Good. I'm ready to see Emmy. I miss that little stink." He smiled and looked at the ground.

"She's not going to know what to do if she has to share her daddy with another baby." I smirked.

He smiled.

We finally got back to DC around 5 a.m the next morning. We drove straight to Abby and McGee's that way we would be there when Emerson woke up. We walked into a toy covered apartment.

"Jeeze!" Tony whispered.

"She had fun. Can't you tell?" McGee smirked.

We walked over to the fort that was built up in the floor. We peaked and saw Emerson asleep. Tony and I crawled into the fort and laid on each side of her.

"Emerson. Wake up." Tony whispered, lightly shaking her.

She rubbed her face and opened her eyes. She looked back and forth at us, trying to figure out what was going on. Tony and I smirked at her confusion.

"Momma. Daddy." She grinned really big and reached for Tony.

Tony smiled and backed out of the fort holding her. I followed. We both stood back up and walked over to Abby and McGee. Emmy was holding onto her daddy's neck tight and laying her head on his shoulder. Tony was bouncing her up and down.

"I missed you baby girl!" Tony smiled.

She continued to hold onto his neck.

"Don't be a hog! My turn!" I said, taking her from him.

I hugged her tight as she did the same thing.

"I missed you Emmy. Did you have fun here?" I asked.

She nodded and smiled. I sat her back on the ground.

"Go find your teddy and then we will leave." I said.

She ran off to the back of the apartment.

"So how was it?" Abby asked.

"Absolutely amazing." Tony smiled.

Emerson can running back into the room with her teddy in her hand. Tony picked her back up.

"Alright kiddo you ready?" He asked.

She shook her head.

"What? You don't want to go home with us?" He asked.

"We all live here together!" She stuttered and grinned.

We all smiled. McGee held his arms out. Emmy reached for him.

"We had a lot of fun this week Em but it's ok to go back home. You can visit us when ever you want. Deal?" He asked.

She nodded and hugged McGee and Abby's necks tight. They smiled. Tony took her back from them and headed towards the door.

"Bye bye." Emerson grinned and waved at McGee and Abby as we walked out the door.

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