Third Person

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I tend to live in third person a lot
You know in video games when you're playing as a character
And you can see them moving around and see their surroundings?
It's like that

The last time I was in first person was at a doctors appointment in January
But she saw some stuff and I haven't been in first person since
I was even in third person when I watched my dog die
But I'm kinda lucky I think
I don't think I would've been able to survive being in first person then

Most of my memories are in third person too
I'm not sure why
I've tried to put myself in first person a couple of times
But then I would always have panic attacks
So I stopped doing that
I'm not even sure I want to live in first person anymore
I'm so used to seeing my actions as though I'm standing off to the side
It would be freaky not doing that


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