Fucked Up

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TW: violence mentions, abuse?

I've been fucked up since I was little
I used to hurt people
Punch them
Yell at them

My mum asked me one day why I did it
Why I thought punching people was ok
I told her I didn't know

But that's a lie
I know why I did it
My first thought told me that much

It's not acceptable to punch people
But it's even less acceptable to spank other kids
And I knew that
Punching was my form of spanking

People who want to be parents keep that in mind
Once you teach your kids that violence is ok
That violence solves anger
We don't forget
And we think that means any form of violence

Don't hurt your kids if you don't want them thinking hurting others is ok
Don't hurt your kids at all
It's common fucking sense


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