I Wonder

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CW: brief mention of suicide & talk of the world ending

I wonder when the world will end?
When we'll all be dead?
I wonder if it'll end before I do?
Before I kill myself,
Before I get killed?
I wonder if it'll happen when I'm 18 or 50?

Will it be from global warming,
Nuclear war,
Other types of war?

Or will this world end us before we end it?
Continuous pandemics till all of us are killed,
Animals fighting back?

I wonder if it'll be space?
A meteorite crashing into us,
The sun exploding,
Being eaten by a black hole?

I wonder if I'll be alive to see the world end,
Will I watch it from a window,
Or go outside to sit under the stars one last time?

Will I know it's happening,
Or will it be sudden?
Will people panic,
Or will we all be dead before we can?

Would people try to help others survive,
Or would it a stake off for basic necessities?

Sometimes I wonder what will happen when the world ends


A Glimpse Into My BrainOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz