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TW: homophobia & use of the word queer

How can you say we choose this?
We choose to be oppressed?
We choose to be fucked over by society?
We choose to have family issues?
We choose to not be able to travel to countries because our mere existence is illegal?
We choose to not feel safe?
Not feel safe going to the bathroom in public?
Not feel safe walking around after dark?

Why would we choose pain?
Why would we choose to be oppressed?
Why would we choose to hate ourselves?
Why would we choose suffering?

Yes, there are good parts
Seeing the fire in each others eyes as we stand together and speak our truth
Being able to feel at home with certain people
The community can be wonderful
Standing together and fighting back,
Even if what we do is just exist and not hide
That's still fighting back

We see people like us being killed
Being beaten
Being disowned
Being thrown in jail
Just for who they fucking are!

We do not fucking choose this!
No one with a homophobic family chooses to be queer!
No one in Russia chooses to be queer!
No one in Afghanistan chooses to be queer!
No one in Nigeria chooses to be queer!

Their existence is illegal!
They can be fucking killed!
Yet you want to fucking tell us we choose this?
How dare you
How fucking dare you

You think we would choose to make life harder for ourselves?
You think they choose to have to hide themselves for fear of being killed,
Jailed up?

We don't fucking choose this!
They don't fucking choose this!
So stop saying it's a fucking choice or I will punch you in the throat


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