It's Not Selfish

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TW: talk of suicide

I was young when I first heard what suicide was
I had heard about it before I knew what is was
My parents had said stuff in passing
But then one day we were all in the car
My brother asked something
And my dad started talking

"Suicide is the most selfish thing a person can do"
I haven't forgotten that quote
I knew it wasn't true
Even when I was younger than 10,
I knew this world could be shitty
I could understand why people would do it

I didn't say anything
Of course I didn't
How could I explain it?
The fact that he was wrong
When I couldn't even explain why or how I knew that

I still disagree with it
More so now than back then
I don't think he's ever had these thoughts
He wouldn't be saying it was selfish if he did have them


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