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We used to have a tradition for birthdays
Whoever's birthday it was would get to pick where we go or what we have for supper
We broke that tradition with my last birthday

It makes me sound so fucking self absorbed to say that
It didn't center around me
Things shouldn't
Ever, but that's a different story

We went to visit mum
Then we were driving home
And dad asked me where I wanted to eat
Simple question
Except he didn't say it like that
I was under the, wrong, impression that I could choose where we were eating
But, of course, we were driving home from Nana's
And dad didn't want to eat cold Pad Tai
Or eat in the car
So we didn't go to where I wanted

As we were entering our town dad finally,
Actually asked,
"Where do you want to go for supper"
He said it sounding surprised
Like he had just remember why we were driving around so late
Why we went to visit mum this specific night

I answered Subway
He and my brother both like it
And really it was more about what they wanted than what I wanted
He completely ignored the fact that I had asked to eat from a take out place in the city
I never brought it up
I knew who I needed to prioritize
And lets just say it wasn't me
Even though it was my fucking birthday


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