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TW: family problems

We're taught that blood family is the biggest thing
We're told family first
Family over friends
Be there for your family
And we're expected to think of our blood family

We're not supposed to think of our chosen family
The people we're closest to
We're all supposed to put up with any toxic or abusive traits because,
"They're your parents"
"They take care of you"

We're not told to look at the people we hold closer to our hearts
We're not supposed to think of the people we trust more
Because it's assumed that we all have healthy,
Non toxic or abusive,
Blood family

I certainly believe in family first
And if you make the mistake to assume that that means my blood family
And not my chosen one
That's on you
You're the one who assumed
No, my people and I don't look that much alike
We definitely couldn't pass as blood family
But they're my family
And you will pay if you try to take them away from me


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