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Focus on the little things
Focus on the small details
Nit pick peoples behaviours
To find any sign of what they're feeling
Fins their emotions and act accordingly

I pick apart the little things
A single hair out of line
A footstep stepped to heavily
A small limp in a cats posture
The little signs people give when they're planning a surprise
The little things people do when they're trying to pretend that their pain is a minimum
A single sparkle on my face
Even though I haven't touched glitter in years

I like the little details
The brush strokes a painter makes
The way you can tell a markers size by how it indents the paper
The little details in someones footprint
The dash of dark blue amidst a black sky
A small whisper amongst a loud crowd

The details of the people I love
The little things that make up people
The way people try and hide a smile
The small tells that show they're trying to hide a smile

The small parts of my friends
That others would label as insignificant
But are more than important to me

I like looking at the big picture
The entire landscape
The way the small parts of my friends push and pull and grab at each other
To create the person I love
The entire forest and all the trees in it

I will focus on details
And pick apart everyday behaviours
To make sure I get them right
Making sure I'm not mistaken at what they are feeling
To make sure I'm safe
To make sure the people I love are safe

I usually focus on little details
But sometimes the big picture is nice to see


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