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TW: brief mention of death & being hurt by a parent

People always say that it's ok to cry
And I agree for the most part
Crying is a good way of letting your emotions out so you aren't bottling them up constantly
And I have told people this
Told them that it's ok
That I'll be there for them while they cry
And beyond that too

But crying simply isn't safe for me
It's not safe to cry
It's never been safe to cry in this house
Not when I was little and my dad would scream and hurt me when I did it
Not now when I'm alone in my room
Early in the morning

It's still not safe
It's never been safe
My body knows that
So it'll do everything to avoid crying
But that means when I do cry it's bad
I hate it
But I don't think I'll ever feel safe crying
Not now
Not as I die


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