It Isn't Just The Pain

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CW: chronic pain

I feel like shit
I always feel like shit

This is what people don't get about chronic pain
It isn't just the pain
It's the mental exhaustion of dealing with the pain
It's anxiety because you can't do school or the things you're expected to do
It's sadness because you can't do the things other people your age can
It's anger that this world isn't built to accommodate us
It's numbness because we're used to the pain
Both physical and mental

Chronic pain is so much more than pain
But people don't get it
I don't think they ever will

For anyone with a chronic illness
Pain or otherwise
Whether it's visible or invisible
You're not alone
And you're not faking it
It's not dramatization to ask for accommodations
It's not taking away from others if they're met
It's not an unfair advantage, it's helping make the playing field more level
It's not just all in your head
I promise


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