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TW: self harm

I don't want to blow up
I don't want to break down
Why do you think I cut?

Emotions are stupid and I feel things to strongly
But at the same time I'm always numb

Like I'm trapped in a glass cage
And my emotions are pressing themselves up against the glass
And whichever one manages to crack it this time is the one I feel
Like I'm trapped and only feeling things outwardly

That's why I hate anger
It's one of the emotions that keep me company inside my prison
I've tried to seal myself away from it
But it doesn't work

Anger at others
Which the turns into anger at myself for being mad at them in the first place

They don't deserve my anger
They love me
They take care of me

I'm the one holding onto the past
Not letting go
Not willing to forgive

I'm the one in the wrong
Not them
And so I act accordingly
Punishing myself for not being grateful enough
Punishing myself for being an asshole
Punishing myself for being a monster


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