You Will Hear Me

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TW: implied bigotry

Inspired by:

We will come like fire
We will yell until our voices bleed the truth

We won't continue on as we are now
We will blaze our own path amongst the leafs
We will divert our course from yours
We will fight with our lives

We will burn this bridge
No more will allow ourselves to be trodden on
We will fight till the death against all those who kill us

We won't allow your violence to silence us
We won't stop until no one else has to be killed at your hands
We will fight
And we will not stop until you hear us

We deserve a voice
And instead all you do is cut out our tongues
Until there is no one else to yell
You cannot beat us

We came into this world screaming
Screaming to be heard
Screaming for help
What makes you think we'll stop?

We will continue to fight until all of us can breath without a stabbing pain
We will continue to fight until all of the blood has been washed away
We will continue to fight day and night for you to hear us

We are dying
We are being killed
And you don't do shit
Half of you are happy they kill us
Part of you are indifferent

No more
You will hear me
We are dying trying to get our voices heard
We are killed for being ourselves
We have to hide because you don't like us

You will listen to me here
You have hurt us
And you have broken us
But we will rise above you
We will survive for those who couldn't
We will live long for those who died to early

We will fight
And we will yell till our throats bleed
We will oppose you
We will stand up no matter how many times you knock us over
Because we have known war
We have known pain
And we will fight so other don't have to

We are resilient
And we will rise
We will scream and fight and tell you the truth
We will survive
No matter what you do

We were born fighters
And we will die as them if that's what it takes


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