Growing Up

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TW: parental problems

Growing up was confusing
My mum told us that feelings weren't something you needed to hide
That home is a safe place to express them

Then you had my dad
Who wasn't very happy when negative emotions were shown

Anger? We were sworn at and dealt with
Sadness? We were usually told to get over it
Discomfort? Suck it up

I said that to my brother one day in an argument
Told him to suck it up
It was in front of our parents
They got mad at me
Saying that I couldn't tell him that
That it wasn't appropriate

I never asked them why they could say that to me
But I wasn't allowed to say it to him
I know why now
Parents are granted special permission to belittle their childrens feelings
But kids can't do that to other kids because then it's considered mean

Kids and parents have way different rules
It never made sense to me
I get it now though
Parents are meant to handle their children
Wrangle them in when they get unruly
Most people turn a blind eye to how they do so
As long as it stays in the house


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