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TW: homophobia, violent homophobia, suicidal thoughts

Inspired by: Take Me To Church by Hozier

Words cannot even begin to describe how angry I am
Angry at the piece of shit humans that tell us we're choosing this
The piece of shit humans that deny us basic human respect,
Health care,
Human rights

Only because,
"My religion says it's wrong"

Well my religion says to treat each other with kindness
My gods say we are people who deserve, at least, basic human decency
My gods also say that I can punch anyone who disagrees with the above statements

But you don't care
You don't fucking care when we're being murdered on the streets
When we're being kicked out of our homes
When we're dying
When we're killed
When we're beaten
Just by trying to be our fucking selves

"They're just words" you say

Yeah? Just words?
When someone calls me she it feels like I'm being punched in the gut
When someone calls me my deadname I almost can't breath
When you call me these things I want to kill myself

"Just don't tell people"
"It's your choice to come out"

Right, because when you tell a cancer patient that they'll die without the proper care you tell them that the choices are all equal,

They are not fucking equal you insolent motherfucker!
I would have killed myself if I hadn't come out
So many people already have killed themselves because they couldn't come out
So many more will kill themselves if they can't come out because of people like you

So before you speak
Remember, you might hold someone elses life in your hands
You might be the reason someone dies
All because you were such a self centered asshole that you couldn't call someone the right name and pronouns

Fuck you, you piece of shit human
You make the choice to be bigoted
Learn some facts and stop killing us


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