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Shen Xiuqi squinted at the reporter who spoke, and looked at your ass. He said, "Is there any problem with sending the crew to her? I can send her if I am busy. go with!"

Good domineering answer, boyfriend power max.

The reporter heard the dissatisfaction in his words and quickly said: "The right one, what Shen said is that Shen is really considerate."

Shen Xiuqi was too lazy to talk to these reporters. When he said more, he still didn't know how they would write. He took the hand of Suya Yaya and said to the reporter who was surrounded: "We are in a hurry and you are in trouble." ”

Some reporters are not willing to ask: "Can you ask a few more questions? It is the last time. When Miss Su participated in "Gourmet Mercure", I said that you have not proposed to Miss Su. When are you going to propose marriage? Mr. Shen at the charity dinner. It took 5.2 million to take Kashmiri sapphire. Is this going to be used to propose to Miss Su?"

Shen Xiuqi gave him a cold look and said with a blank expression: "This is our private matter, no comment!"

Su Yaya thought in the heart, this reporter really can't be a man, but it really is not a pot that does not open the pot, Shen Xiu Qi did not say, he wants to marry her with the sapphire! Moreover, according to the content of the original novel, he would not marry her. The sapphire is what he wants to keep for the Anxie. This reporter really has no eyesight, and he rushes straight to ask, purely to find 骂of!

Shen Xiuqi apparently has lost patience and calmly said: "Trouble you to let us know, we are in a hurry!"

Sure enough, after being overhauled, the reporters stopped a little. They did not dare to make too much trouble against Shen Xiuqi. They asked a few more words. Seeing Shen Xiuqi’s face was not answered, only holding Suya forward. Walking, there is no expression on a handsome face. If you don’t say anything extra, you will go straight to the hall. If you don’t want to enter the hall, the reporter will see that you will not ask anything today. Then they took the camera and gave them a few more photos, which was considered a task.

Of course, if only Suya is a person, it is estimated that she will catch her and keep asking, and it will not be so easy for her to pass.

Fortunately, Duan Xiaoyu had already done the check-in procedure. She saw Shen Xiuqi coming over Suya and ran over and said: "Shen Zong, Ya Ya sister, I have already completed the formalities." Can go in."

Shen Xiuqi clicked on the head: "Well, you two advanced, remember to get the crew to call me." Another section of the rain: "take care of her."

Duan Xiaoyu quickly promised: "Shen Zong, you can rest assured that I will take care of the Ya Ya sister."

Shen Xiuqi reached out and touched Suya's face and kissed her on her forehead and said, "Go in."

Su Yaya also took his sleeves and spoiled, and the eyes of the water looked at him with a look of reluctance. "You must come to see me in a few days!"

Shen Xiuqi chuckled, "I know, I will come to see you."

After getting a reply, Suyaya let go of Shen Xiuqi’s sleeves and waved his hand in reluctance. "I am leaving, bye."

Shen Xiuqi has been watching Suya and Duan Xiaoyu passed the security check, and once again could not see the person, then turned and left.

After Su Yaya entered the VIP waiting room, she took out her mobile phone and brushed Weibo. The news that a reporter sent Shen Xiuqi to her to the airport had already been sent out.

On Weibo, in addition to writing Shen Xiuqi and her feelings, Shen Xiuqi was very fond of her. Shen Xiuqi’s work was so busy. She also took time to send her to the airport, and also uploaded photos of the two of them holding hands at the airport.

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