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Suyaya soon fell asleep. At first her dream was still beautiful. She dreamed of a birthday when she was a child. Her mother took her to buy clothes, then two The individual turned around in the mall and found a beautiful white princess dress. The skirt was layered with layers of yarn. The layers were stacked like flowers in bloom. It was very beautiful. Her mother also liked this dress. She bought her generously and let her wear it, calling her her princess, her most beautiful princess. Her father was also very happy. She made a big table at home and bought a big fruit cake. Three people surrounded the cake and lit a candle. She closed her eyes. The desire in my heart is to be happy all my life.

Then, day after day, Suya grew up and grew into a beautiful woman. She was even more beautiful than she was when she was a child. She was much more beautiful. She was on the road. There were countless people looking back at her. There were many people. Like her, of course, in these people, some people are purely sincerely like her, some people just like her beautiful skin, confused by her beautiful appearance.

Then one day, she met a handsome and handsome man, the man named Shen Xiuqi, very rich and powerful, is in Kyoto City, countless women want to think about the object, but Shen Xiuqi is even for those who are eager to connect with women Half of my eyes are too lazy to give, only to be considerate of her care, and every day she changes her style and makes her happy, and pursues her fierce pursuit.

Rich and powerful, very handsome and gentle, Shen Xiu Qi, no one can resist his beauty, Su Yaya was quickly confused by his gentleness, caught in the love dream he created for her, even if he later found her, Asked her to marry him, even without a wedding, and did not announce the news, she did not reject this absurd proposal.

The two of them had spent a very happy and happy life together until one day, Shen Xiuqi’s Bai Yueguang’s Angan language came back, and Shen Xiuqi still deeply loved An Yu, who after many experiences It’s good.

Shen Xiuqi was reluctant to let An Yu grievances and proposed a divorce to Suyaya. Su Yaya did not want to find someone to kidnap An Yu. After Shen Xiuqi knew that he was furious, he found someone to save the Anxi language, and personally forced Suya to sign the divorce agreement, and ruthlessly drove her out of their home and broke her all. The source of the economy, order her to get out of Kyoto, the farther the better, don't let him see her again, or let her look good.

Suya, who has nowhere to go, has no work to do, no income, and can’t survive in Kyoto. After all the hardships in the wall, she was picked up by her parents who loved her since childhood.

Originally thought that the family should live together well, but unfortunately, Su Yaya’s mother was sick, very serious, and needed a lot of money to cure the disease. Unfortunately, Su’s family had no money, Suya I want to ask for Shen Xiuqi. I hope Shen Xiu can raise her hand to help her. Her mother is sick. The only thing she can ask for is Shen Xiuqi. He has a lot of money. He also said that she has given her a divorce of 10 million. She wants That 10 million.

Then she went back to Kyoto in a foolish way and went to Shen to find Shen Xiuqi. Unfortunately, she had not waited for her to enter the door of Shen’s, and she was stopped by An Yu.

At this time, the Angan language is hot, with big waves of curly hair, red lips, wearing a tight dress, stepping on the hate of heaven, charming and enchanting, full of charm.

She will soon marry Shen Xiuqi, just tomorrow, tomorrow she will become the dreaming Mrs. Shen, she will never allow any variables, especially the woman in front of her, let alone her existence.

"I won't let you appear in front of Shen Xiuqi." An Yu said coldly to Suyya, and then Suarea was kidnapped just like Suya had kidnapped her.

If I simply kidnaped Suya, I wouldn’t let her see Shen Xiuqi, but it’s not that An Yu’s man has found a few disgusting men and ruined Suya.

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