Chapter 78

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We made it to a fairly large two story house. It looked like a family home, and for some reason, it just suited John.

When John opened the door right after we passed the front porch, it looked like he'd been waiting for us. I assumed Dylan had warned him that we would be stopping by.

"Dylan," John said, giving him a man-hug. Dylan returned it, telling John that he was excused for the rest of the week from any pack duties.

"Hey Leila." I was surprised when John gave me a hug too.

It felt weird because John and I were never that close, but I knew why he'd done it. Alphas were meant to provide a sense of security. I was hoping that Dylan and I being there would help.

I had been expecting him to be mad at me. It wasn't that I didn't want Lilly to get justice from her attack- I just didn't want Blake or Christy to get hurt. By now, I was thinking John knew about yesterday.

"Hey," I replied, giving him a small wave.

"You okay man?" Dylan asked him. John was showing us into the house, and he fell into step with Dylan.

"I am. Lilly's a lot better today. She even went for a short walk," John replied with a smile on his face. He looked happy about that, which made me relax.

Dylan and John continued to make small talk on the way.

"Hello Lillian," Dylan said, right after stepping into the room.

"Alpha," she nodded, sitting up more in the bed.

I smiled at her, waving once when she turned to look at me.

"Luna," she said, nodding at me once.

"They came to see how you were doing. I was telling them you're feeling a lot better after you got to rest last night," John said.

Lilly was sitting up in the bed, resting her back on the headboard. She had the sheets covering her legs, and was wearing a lose t shirt. Her dark hair was in a side braid. Everything seemed fine, but I did see some bite marks in her arms, which were already healing. Her pale skin made her brown eyes stand out. I noticed that her eyes were rimmed in a light pink color, making her look somewhat tired.

"I'm doing well, thank you. I'm glad you two dropped by."

Dylan nodded at her, as he started a conversation with John.

It was the first time since I'd met him, that I had heard John talk so much. Most of the time when he was around me, he was quiet.

Now, he seemed like there was so much he wanted to say. Most of all, it was easy to tell the he was relieved and excited that Lilly was alright.

I took a seat on the chair next to Lilly. Both of us were silent, as John and Dylan held a conversation about a possible celebration after Lilly got better.

"I hadn't gotten a chance to talk to you before," I told Lilly, after Dylan and John walked out of the room. John was going to show Dylan something, but I was sure it was an excuse to leave Lilly and me alone to talk.

"I know," she replied, smiling at me.

"Are you doing okay? Not just with those, but in general," I asked, as I touched around one of the bites in her arm that seemed deeper.

"I don't think I ever imagined something like this would happen to me," she said, looking down at the mark I was staring at.

Seeing her in bed, hurt- I couldn't help but feel bad.

"I'm sorry," I apologized, as I held her hand.

She squeezed my hand, smiling sadly at me.

"Don't be. I'm fine," she said.

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