authors note

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   Hey guys! It's been a long time! I hope all is going well with anyone, and if not, if there is something going on, or you're having some struggles, don't be afraid to message me! While I am not active on here, I am active on my Instagram, so if you ever need to talk, need any advice or anything, feel dress to message me for my username and text me anytime you'd like. I have been through a lot, as all of you may have been as well, so I will always try my best to understand and help out!

   I apologize for not updating in forever! Please don't be mad at me! We all grow out of some things, and the mighty ducks has been one of those things for me. While I still love the movies and adore them, I don't have much interest in writing fan fictions, but I am trying my best to come up with the motivation to finish this story, as well as some other ones for you guys!

   I have gotten a full time job working night shift at a pharmacy in the prison department, so I am working almost 9 hours shifts, sleeping during the day, and making time in the evening for me boyfriend, it almost one year, and my family! I just turned 19 a few days ago and got thrown into adulthood real quick, right after graduation I'd say. It has truly been so hard and a struggle, but I know it'll all be worth it in the end. So some advice for y'all enjoying your summer break from school, and those of you that are young, ENJOY YOUR TIME! Make the best out of what you have! Don't worry about what tomorrow brings, just go with the flow, and adjust to things on the way. Have as much fun as you possibly can, because once you reach the end of school, and have to start getting serious about things, it is a HUGE struggle!

   While I could go into detail about many aspects of my life, I am going to keep this short. I will try my best to update and finish this for you guys, but PLEASE, please stop asking me repeatedly, because it makes me feel even worse than I already do about not updating in forever. It has truly been so hard finding time to sit and do things on my own time, which I truly do not have anymore. I will get to it soon, I promise! Please just be patient with me!

   Secondly, I have come across a story from a few years ago, that sounds like it's going off of my story. There's a few actually, but with my other stories. But this one in particular, same name with the same face claim, same plot, etc. YALL- PLEASE, if you're going to do that to someone ASK first, or at least give credits please! Us writers work SO hard to come up with these things on our own, and it takes SO much time and effort, so when someone else comes in and writes the same content like that, it just isn't fair, and not right. So please, always just ask first and give permission please! If anyone sees ANY stories copying mine, PLEASE tell me asap! Thank you!!

   Lastly, thank you ALL so much for the endless support and love! I seriously cannot believe that FOSTER has made it this far! I started it thinking everyone was going to hate it, but it became popular quick, as well as FORBIDDEN and I truly cannot thank you guys enough for that! It seriously means so much! I'm so amazed and so so happy to see how far I made it on this app. Writing was always my hobby, and to be able to share things with you guys, and for you guys to love it so much, just warmed my heart. Thank you all so so much for everything! You guys are truly blessings to my life, and have always helped me no matter what. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. Of you! Even if we've never spoken before. I will love you guys forever!

   Thank you!!


    -briiswriitings <3

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