My Celebrity Boyfriend Part 4

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Stone and I headed backstage after the concert was over. Xion came over right away and kissed Stone. "You two were amazing as always". "Thanks, babe". "Have you seen our dads around"? I asked.

"Yeah there waiting for you in the VIP room". "Let's not keep them waiting then". Stone said. I nodded my head and the three of us made our way to where mine and Stone's parents were.

Dad and papa were both sitting on the couch with big smiles on their faces. "The two of you do nothing but make me more and more proud each time I see you". "Thanks, dad". Stone and I said smiling. Papa stood up from his seat, made his way over to us, and hugged us. We hugged him back.

"Oh, I've missed you two so much". "We missed you too papa". I said smiling. He pulled away and smiled at us big. "Are the two of you eating and sleeping ok? If your not you can always come home you know". "For crying out loud they live two doors down from us". Dad said still sitting on the couch.

"I don't care". Papa said turning his head to glare at him. "I promise we'll visit soon papa". I said. "You better. Hopefully it'll be with someone new". He said looking at me sympathetically. "We'll see". I said giving him a sad smile.

"Don't worry papa, he's in good hands". Stone said reassuringly. "Thank you, Stone". He looked at us sadly. "I hate to cut this visit short but Sasuke and Mashi have school tomorrow". "It's ok, we understand". I said.

Dad stood up and they both hugged us. "Look after my boys Xion". "Of course sir". Papa kissed us on our foreheads then left. "Ready to get going"? Stone asked. "Yep". There was a knock on our door as soon as I said that.

"Come in". Yahiko came in with two young boys behind him. They looked like they were still in high school. I immediately recognized the silver-haired boy who was in the VIP section. "Stone, Obito, this is Iruka and Kakashi".

"Thanks, Yahiko". He nodded his head and left. "It's nice to meet you both". I said smiling. "You as well sir". The silver-haired boy said a little nervous. "It's ok, you can call me Obito". He smiled a little. I like that. "Please take a seat you two". Stone said gesturing to the couch.

"Thank you, sir". They both said making their way over to the couch. Stone chuckled a little and smiled. "It's Stone". They smiled a little. Stone sat in a chair next to the couch while I leaned against the wall. "It's a pleasure to meet you both". The silver-haired kid said.

"It's a pleasure to meet you both as well ugh". "Sorry about that. My names Kakashi and this is my friend Iruka". "There's no need to be nervous around us. We can't be that much older than you two". "You kinda are. We're both eighteen". Iruka said.

"I see". I said. "How long have you been fans of ours"? "Since you both started singing. I have every one of your albums on a shelf in my room in order and all of your songs are on my phone". "We're the ones who should feel honored then".

Stone said smiling. "I don't know about Kakashi but I mostly just follow your music. I don't really follow celebrity social media". "Me either. I know that you both grew up in the country and who your family is but as for personal relationships I don't know".

"Can I ask why"? I asked.  "Well, I know that if I were in your shoes that I wouldn't want the world to know every little detail I do. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with it I just think that there are things that should remain private.

I know that the paparazzi are always trying to poke their noses into private matters that have nothing to do with them. Your personal lives should remain private and what you want the world to know should be up to the two of you alone".

The room went quiet for a second.

"I'm sorry if I over steeped". "Not at all. You're allowed to have your opinions. I just wish everyone else could see it that way as well". My phone went off as soon as I said that. I took it out, checked it, and was shocked to see who it was. I had to quickly put it back in my pocket before I worried Kakashi and Iruka.

"Obi, you ok"? Stone asked. "Yeah, sorry about that. It was nothing". "If you say so". "So, what school do the two of you attend"? I asked. "Konoha high". "So your local". Stone asked. "We are". Iruka said. Kakashi's phone went off after he said that. "Sorry about that".

"It's ok, go ahead". I said. He took out his phone and sighed. "What's wrong"? Iruka asked. "My dad's asking where we are". "I guess that means it's time to go then". He said sadly. "I'm afraid so". He said returning the look.

"Is it alright if we walk you two out to your car"? I asked. "We'd appreciate that. Thank you". Kakashi said smiling. "You're welcome". "I'll be right back ok". Stone said to Xion. "Take your time". Xion said smiling. Kakashi and Iruka stood up and we left with them.

Stone and I led them out the building and into the parking lot. It was dark out so the four of us walked close to each other as they led us to where they had parked. When we got there, we opened and closed their doors for them.

"I hope to see the both of you at our next concert". I said. "The same goes for me". "Hopefully we are". Iruka said smiling. "I have a good feeling you will". Stone said smiling. "We'll let the two of you go. Drive safe ok". I said. "Will do. Nice meeting you again". Iruka said. He started the car, backed out then honked his horn as he and Kakashi drove off.

"Do you wanna talk about who texted you"? Stone asked me. "Not tonight". "Understood.


"Thanks again for getting me tickets to the show". I said smiling as I stood on the driver's side talking to him. "No prob. I'll see you tomorrow". "You surely will. Night Iruka". "Night Kakashi". I backed away and he drove off. I then let out a sigh as I made my way inside.

"Did you have fun"? Dad asked sitting at the kitchen island. "I was until you ruined it". "It was time for you to come home. You have school tomorrow". "My bedtime isn't until midnight. It's ten". "You broke the rules. You know you're supposed to keep in contact with me".

"I was literally surrounded by a crowd of people. I couldn't even reach my phone". "Before you went backstage"? "I didn't have the chance. I was nervous about meeting Obito".

"So talking to some singer is more important then letting your father know your safe"? "He's not just some singer dad". "How would you know? You barely know him". "I wish mom were here. I knew you wouldn't understand". I left and went straight to my room.

Once inside I face-planted into my bed and tried my best to fight back the tears that wanted to fall.

Why can't he understand that this was probably the only time I would ever get to see Obito up close? I didn't even get his autograph.

Word Count. 1278

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