Kakashi Of The Akatsuki Part 2

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Ten years. Ten years I've been without the love of my life. I haven't been able to hold him, talk to him, feel his warmth, his chakra or see his face. I haven't been able to because he thinks I'm dead. Not only him but the entire leaf village. Even my own brother thinks I'm dead.

They think I died protecting him and Rin but in reality, I was saved by my father Hashirama and Uncle Tobirama. They saved me and reunited me with my younger siblings and cousins. There are two members I wasn't able to meet, however.

That being my father Madara and Uncle Izuna. Not being able to meet them hurts but what hurts the most is seeing Kaksshi suffer and not being able to go to him and comfort him. My sharingan gives me the ability to see what he sees.

He's continuing to suffer and the village is doing nothing to help him. I shouldn't be surprised since they did nothing to help his father Sakumo but it still pisses me off to no end.

He doesn't deserve this. He deserves to be loved unconditionally and live a life of peace. He doesn't deserve to be treated as a monster for a decision that was forced on him.

I'm sorry Kakashi but I just need a little more time. I promise we'll be together soon. You as well Stone, you'll have your brother back soon enough.


Ten years. Ten years my brother Obito has been dead. He died and there was nothing I could do to protect him. I'm his older brother. It's my job to protect him no matter what but I let him down. The day it happened was one of the best and worst weeks of my life.

Flashback to ten years ago

"I'll see you when I get back. I have a mission with Kakashi, Rin and Minato sensei". "Be safe ototo". "I will. Let's get dango when I get back". He said smiling. "Sounds good". I said smiling back. I watched him walk off and waved by to him until I no longer saw him.

Little did I know he wouldn't be coming back.

After seeing Obito off I headed back to our house. I headed inside and made my way into the kitchen but quickly jumped back before I could get caught in the shadow possession jutsu. "Nice try Xion". I said smiling.

"Can't blame a guy for trying". He made his way over to me and we hugged each other. "Hungry"? "Nah, I ate before getting here". "Alright". I made my way into the kitchen and made scrambled eggs with a few slices of avocado I cut up. 

"Do you know if Iruka's coming over"? "Probably, the three of us always hang out together". I said taking a bite of my food.  "Yeah, your right". "Did Obito leave"? "Yeah he went on a mission with his team". "I see". He went silent for awhile.  "Stone, there's something I want to talk to the two of you about". He said nervously.

"Everything ok Xion"? "Yeah, hopefully". I looked at him worried but brushed it off for now. A few minutes later Iruka walked in. "Hey Iru". We said in unison. "Hey Xion, hey Stone". He said making his way over to us and hugged us both. 

"I overheard you and Obito talking the other day, I'm sorry". He said. "It's ok, at least I still have Obito". I said looking down. "It's not just him". Xion said. "You have us as well, we're not going to leave you".

"Xion". I said shocked.  "You don't have to rely on just Obito, we're here for you as well. Don't you know how much I care about you? How much we care about you"? He said with tears in his eyes. "Xion". "I love you you idiot".

I made my way over to him and hugged him. He hugged me back tight. "I do realize it. I always have. I love you too, I love you both". I said looking over at Iruka. He looked at me shocked but soon came over and joined us in the hug.

It was the perfect morning but it didn't stay that way. A few days later when nighttime hit is when I felt my heart break.

There was a knock at the door. I answered it and saw Kakashi with a devastated look on his face. "Kakashi, what's wrong"? "I need to talk to you. It's about Obito". I felt a sense of dread start to creep in. "What about him? Did something happen"? He didn't say anything.

"Kakashi". He still didn't say anything. "Please, tell me if my brothers alright or not". I asked with tears in my eyes. I was so scared of his answer. I could feel my heart start to beat faster and feel my palms sweat.

"Obito didn't make it Stone". He said with tears in his eyes. "Please tell me what happened". "There was a cave in, he pushed me out of the way so I wouldn't be hurt and took the hit for me". I could feel my body start to shake.

"I'm sorry Stone". "W where is he"? "Sensei didn't go back for his body, he's still there". "I I understand. Thank you for telling me". "Of course". He gave me a sad look then turned and left.  I closed the door softly then headed upstairs, went to my room which use to belong to both Obito and me, climbed into my bed and cried.

I didn't even hear the door open. The only thing I knew was that Xion and Iruka were both holding me as I cried my heart out for my twin brother. They didn't say anything. They just allowed me to cry for as long as I needed to.

End of flashback

I'll never forgive myself. I'm your other half, I should've felt something was wrong but I didn't. I didn't feel anything. You were in pain and I felt nothing. I should've known something was wrong when our Sharingan awakened for the first time.

I didn't think you needed my help. You were with your team and sensei so I assumed you would be fine but you weren't. Minato put Kakashi in charge of your team for that day and left to do another mission.

He should've been there, if he had you would still be here and I wouldn't be feeling the worst pain of my life. The two of us should still be the same age right now. We should be laughing and going out to party with our boyfriends. I wonder what kind of adult you would've turned out to be.

"Love". Iruka called out to me as I sat against our bed with my head down. He made his way over and sat down next to me. I immediately placed my head in his lap. "You were thinking about Obito again, weren't you"? He asked softly as he gently ran his fingers through my hair.

"I'm always thinking about him". "He would want to see you happy. He wouldn't want you sad and blaming yourself".

"I know your right. It just hurts so fucking much". "I know baby, I know but you need to remember that you're not alone in this. Xion and I are here for you". "I know and for that I will always be greatful"."I love you". "I love you too".

Word Count. 1252

ObiKaka OneShot BookOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora