The Promised Neverland Part 9

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Flashback to nine years ago

Hashirama and I were out enjoying a walk with our twins boys Obito, and Stone. The sun was out but it was cool thanks to the breeze passing through. The boys were eating ice cream while their papa sipped on a lemonade. "We'll soon have another one joining us". I said referring to our third son that was currently in his belly.

"Mhm". Hashi said looking down as he gently rubbed his stomach. "What are you gonna name him"? Obito asked. "Shisui". Hashi answered with a smile. The four of us headed to the park together. Hashirama and I sat under a tree while our boys played together.

"I love days like this". Hashi said with his head resting on my shoulder smiling. I wrapped my arm around him and held him closer to me. "Do you ever think of the what if mada"? He asked smiling. "What do you mean by that"? "You know, like what if you never met me and we never got married or had the kids"?

"I don't need to think about that, I already know what the answer will be". "And what's that love"? "I'd be absolutely miserable. You and the kids bring so much joy to my life that I can't begin to describe it. I don't know what I'd do without you four". "I feel the same way mada". "Forever and always hashi". "Forever and always".

End of flashback

That was the last family outing we had together. You, Obito and Shisui were taken from me soon after. I'm sorry I haven't been able to find you and the others yet. I just can't understand why you come home but disappear again soon after. What's going on Hashi?


I was at the precent working at my computer. Somehow I was able to find a file about Mito Uzumaki and was reading it.

Mito Uzumaki, twenty two year old female proudly born and raised in Konoha city. She ran away from home at the age of twelve. Worked her way through middle school, highschool and college. She majored in science, biology, psychology and graduated with a masters from Konoha university.

She worked as a doctor from Konoha med and worked there for a year before disappearing. Rumors are she disappeared for kidnapping charges, after using her psychological and medical degree to make two new type of gases. Mind control and amnesia.

This is bad. Kidnapping charges? And she's working at an orphanage?

"Something wrong Imoto"? Izuna asked coming into our office. "Yeah, is big brother here yet"? I asked looking up at him. "Mhm, he just arrived". "Let's go you both need to here this". I stood up and made my way to his office, knocked on his door and headed in with Izuna.

My eyes saddened when I saw him. His head was down and he was gripping at his hair. "Please tell me it's good news". He whispered. "I don't have anything regarding hashi im afraid but as for Mito she's wanted for kidnapping". "Go get her". "Yes sir". Izuna and I said in unison before walking out together.

"Jellal and I have to head up there today anyway, let us go in first and the rest of you stay behind in case I need backup". "Alright, just be careful". I nodded my head.


I made my way to the gate after being told to go there and saw that there was a letter for Mito from the boss. I took it and went bring it to her. "Yes Hashirama"? She asked after answering the door. "This came in for you". I said handing her the letter. She looked at me then read it.

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