Arranged Marriage Part 6

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A week later


Inside dream

I felt completely exhausted as I made my way home. I had just gotten back from a mission with team seven and all I wanted to do was go home, lay down in bed, and feel the comfort of having Obito's chakra in the same house as me.

Things didn't go according to plan though. As soon as I opened the door I was immediately hit with the smell of fresh blood. My entire body started to shake as I slowly made my way into the house. "Obito? You home"? I didn't get an answer.

I let out a shaky breath and stepped further into the house. All the lights were turned off with the only light being the one coming from the setting sun that was outside. My body felt heavier with each step I took and it was becoming harder to breathe.

"Obito"? I still didn't get an answer. I tried to search for his chakra in the house. I searched for the tiniest hint of it. I didn't care if I felt it in the house or not I just needed to feel it. "Obito please". I was becoming more and more desperate with each passing second.

Please, please be ok

I thought to myself as I started to tear up. I continued to follow the trail of fresh blood and ended up being taken into the kitchen. I immediately fell to my knees when I saw him. I couldn't do anything but stare at him as my body shook and tears fell from my eyes.

Obito was laying on the ground with a big slash mark on his side and was gasping for air. I was immediately taken back to the day my father had died from suicide. "Kakashi". He called out barely audible. I crawled over to him and gently picked his head up and placed it in my lap so he'd be more comfortable.

He turned his head and nuzzled closer to me. "Obito". My voice was shaky as my tears fell on his face. "I'm sorry". He said looking up at me. His eyes were filled with nothing but tiredness, regret, and sadness.

"Shh, don't talk. You need to save your strength". I said placing my hand over his wound to try and stop the bleeding. "I haven't treated you right for years now. I've been ignoring you and for that I'm sorry. You didn't deserve that".

"Not now Obito, we can talk about this later". "I don't think they'll be a later. I'm so tired". "Please don't. I can't lose you too". "The last thing I ever wanted to do was hurt you. I never stopped caring about you". He said lifting his hand up to cup my cheek.

"Obito". "I I hope I was able to give you some happiness in the little time we had together. I love you Kashi". His hand fell as his eyes slowly closed on their own. I held his his body close to me and cried.

"Come back, please come back".

End of dream

I jolted awake and looked down at my hands expecting to still be holding Obito in them but I wasn't. Instead, they were shaking as I fought to get my breathing under control and stop my tears from falling.

What was that dream about? Obito's not dead, is he?

"Kakashi"! He yelled making his way into the room. I looked up right away locking eyes with him. His face had nothing but worry written on it.

Is he actually worried about me?

"Obito". I called out to him. I was so scared right now but also so relieved to see him alive. He made his way over to me and sat down next to me on the bed. "I could hear you yelling from my room and got worried. You were having a nightmare weren't you". He asked softly. All I could do was nod my head.

"Was it about your dad". I shook my head. "It was about you". I whispered. "What happened"? "I came home and found you badly wounded on the floor. I held you in my arms and tried to stop the bleeding but there was nothing I could do".

I said letting my tears fall in front of him. "Is it ok if I hold you"? "Please do". He came closer to me and wrapped his arms around me. I immediately clung to him and cried on his shoulder. I cried more when I felt him start to rub my back.

"It's ok, it was just a bad dream". He said softly. "I was so scared. It felt so real. I thought I would wake up and you'd be gone". I said clinging to him tighter. "What kind of wound was it"? "It looked like a stab wound".

"Kashi, if a boulder can't kill me what makes you think a stab wound will"? "You haven't called me that in years". "It felt right in the moment". "I don't wanna lose you. You mean too much to me". I said hiding my face in his neck.

"Kakashi". "I'm sorry I hurt you, I never meant to. Just please tell me what I did so I can make it right. I can't stand you hating me anymore". "I never once hated you". "You didn't"? "No, I was just upset that you didn't stand up for me when I needed you to.

I thought you would after all the times I was there for you when you needed it". "What are you talking about"? "You honestly don't know"? "No, I don't. Please tell me". "After the accident, I started to get bullied by our classmates and the villagers because of the scares on my face.

The only ones that didn't talk down to me were Stone, Xion, Iruka, and my family. I so badly wanted you to come over and tell me that everything would be ok that it didn't matter what they said but you never did. I know I could've talked to you about it but you started to feel distant so I did the only thing I could in that moment and cut off as much contact as I could".

"I was diagnosed with anxiety, ptsd, and depression after my father's death not only that but I was also turned into the thousand-tailed wolf's jinjuriki". "Why didn't you tell me"? "I didn't want to burden you with my problems". He held me closer to him. "Obi". "Be honest with me. Why did you agree to this marriage"?

"I'm in love with you. I have been since we were kids. I was so scared I was going to lose you after your accident. I don't want that to ever happen. I don't know what'll happen to me if that ever did happen. You mean so much to me".

"You make it so hard to try and get over you". "Huh"? "I thought I would be able to stop loving you if I distanced myself and distracted myself. That's why I allowed myself to become a playboy and get the reputation I have now.

It didn't work though. It didn't work because none of them were you and could never be you". "Whatever they called you isn't true. It doesn't matter what you look like to me, I love you for you". "You don't have to be scared anymore". He said placing his hand on the back of my hand.

"Obito". "I was being an idiot in the past but not anymore. I'm never going to hurt you anymore Kakashi". He kissed my head. "I mean it". "Say it. Please, so I know I'm not dreaming". "I love you my sweet silver, I always have". I cried again and he held me in his arms for the rest of the day.

Word Count. 1313

ObiKaka OneShot BookOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora