Kakashi Of The Akatsuki Part 3

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Revenge was the only thing I could think of nowadays. It's the only thing that gave me a purpose and helped me to keep going. I wanted revenge for my kids. I wanted to make the village I had created with the help of my husband, brother, brother-in-law, sister, and sister-in-law pay for the way it treated my kids and husband.

I also wanted them to pay for taking my husband away from me. It's their fault Madara's gone. Him and Izuna had sacrificed themselves to keep all of us safe. That's a day I'll never forget.

Flashback to ten years later

Madara and I were walking next to each other as we were on patrol. My heart ached as I felt the chakra of our kids in the hidden leaf village. It hurt because I knew I couldn't be with them like I wanted to. The village considered their father a villain so we had to leave.

We tried to take them with us but that wasn't an option. The woods aren't an ideal place to raise infants. Altogether we have six. Stone and Obito who are twelve, Shisui who's nine, Itachi who's six and Sasuke and Mashi who are one. It's not just us, Tobirama and Izuna had to leave their kids behind as well. Shadow and Kana who are ten and Sayumi who's eight.

What I wouldn't give to be able to hold them again.

"Your thinking about the kids again aren't you"? "How can I not? It hurts being away from them. Obito, Stone, and Shisui think their orphans, and Itachi, Sasuke, and Mashi think their Fugaku's kids. Our babies don't even know we exist".

"They will one day. We'll all be reunited and we'll tell them the truth". "What if they think we're the enemy when that happens"? "We'll still tell them the truth". "How can you be so optimistic"? "It's because of you. You've rubbed off on me". He said smiling.

I smiled back but that smile didn't last. I immediately felt a chakra presence near us and immediately created a wooden dome to shield us from the attack that was coming our way.

"Hashirama listen to me closely. I'm going to go out and distract them, while I'm doing that I need you to run and escape with the others. Izuna will be here soon to help me but the rest of you need to get away".

"Are you crazy? There's no way I'm going to leave you". "You are going to be reunited with our kids one day, when that day comes their going to need you". "What about you? Your their father as well, not just me. They're going to need us both". He cupped my cheek and smiled at me.

"I promised you when we married each other and had the kids that I would protect my family no matter what. I need you to allow me to do that right now". "I can't". I said with tears in my eyes. "I don't wanna lose you too". He took my necklace in his hand.

"What does the writing on the back of this say". "Madara X Hashirama". "Exactly. This necklace symbolizes that no matter what I will always be with you". "Madara". A fire blast could be heard from outside the dome we were in. I was about to say something but he cut me off with a kiss.

"Go, my love, it's ok". I took his face in my hands, kissed him hard, released the dome, and ran for safety while I left Madara and Izuna to fight the enemy.

That was the last time I saw either of them.

I wasn't able to mourn Madara long. As soon as I made it back to the base I saw Tobirama holding what looked like three injured kids. I soon recognized them as Shadow, Kana and Sayumi.

"Tobi". I said quietly. "What are the odds he'll come back to us"? "We need to remain hopeful for them right now but we also have orders from Madara to leave and find a new safe house". "I understand". "We're already packed aniki". Inuama said as she made her way into the room with Ryuko.

I nodded my head and took Sayumi into my arms and took off with the others. We ran far away from where Madara and Izuna were fighting. My main focus was getting the kids to safety so I could heal them.

With Madara gone meant that I was now in charge of keeping everyone safe. I wasn't going to let any of them down. I wasn't going to let my husband's sacrifice be in vein. We continued running until we found ourselves in a completely different forest.

I looked around for a good spot to build a new hideout but what I found instead was the aftermath of a battle field. Usually I wouldn't pay any mind to it but I felt a familiar chakra coming from it.

I motioned for everyone to stop, handed Sayumi to Ryuko and and went to investigate what it was. I made my way over to where the rock slide was and used my wood style to help clear away the rocks. One by one I put them to the side until I found what it was I was looking for or better yet who I was looking for.

My eyes widened in recognition right away. He was just a baby the last time I had seen him but I recognized him right away. Laying in front of me unconscious with half his side crushed was my son Obito. I immediately made my way to him and took him in my arms.

"Obi". I placed my ear against his chest hoping to be able to hear his heartbeat and I did. It was faint but I could definitely hear it. "Everything's going to be ok. Your papa's got you now". I whispered to him before heading back to the others.

It infuriated me how they could just leave him behind for dead. I don't give a dam how the fight went. If they thought he was dead they should've at least tried to find him so they could bring his body back for a burial.

At least I have one of my little one's back

I thought to myself as I sat beside Obito as he slept in my bed. We were able to find an abandoned base and are currently taking shelter within it. Luckily there's an infirmary here. That helped a lot with tending to the kid's injuries.

I noticed right away as Obito started to stir. His eyes squinted open as he slowly looked around the room trying to figure out where he was. "How am I not dead"? He asked in a low voice.

"Probably because I saved your life in time". I said softly. He averted his eyes to me and I could tell he was trying to figure out who I was. "Stone"? He asked confused. I shook my head and chuckled softly.

"I don't think your brother would be able to grow this tall, this fast". "H how did you know he's my brother"? "The same way I know your name is Obito. I'm your papa, my names Hashirama Senju". His eyes watered right away.

"Really"? "Yes baby, it's really me". I said cupping his cheek. "Where have you been"? "Your father and I had to go into hiding when you and your brother were born. The village didn't trust him and thought that he would betray them so they treated him as a villain but that's not true at all.

Your dad is the most caring and loving man I have ever met. If I'm being honest you look just like him, minus the scars that is". "Where is he"? "He and you Uncle Izuna sacrificed themselves to keep me, your Uncle Tobirama and aunts Ryuko and Inuama safe. We were being attacked and needed to retreat.

While running I found you buried underneath a rock slide and tended to your wounds once we made it here safely". "What was his name"? "Madara Uchiha. He wanted nothing more than to be able to see you again. Your father loved you so much".

He allowed his tears to fall as he cried silently and I gently held him in my arms crying along with him.

Word Count. 1408

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