My Celebrity Boyfriend Part 7

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I could feel my blood boiling as I stared at the woman that broke my heart and shattered it to pieces. "You need to leave Rin. There's nothing for you here". Stone said coming to my aid. He immediately stood up and stood beside me.

"Not until I talk to Obito". She said glaring at him. "He doesn't want to talk to you now leave". Xion said sitting on the armrest of the couch glaring at her as well with his arms crossed.

"Since when does he need the two of you to talk to him"? "Since you hurt him or did you forget that"? Stone said. "How did you even get in here"? Xion asked. "That's none of your business now let's go somewhere private and talk Obito". She was now glaring at me.

"I already told you I have nothing to say to you, now leave before I call the police". "We both know you won't do that". All I could do was clench my fists in frustration. I then remembered Kakashi and Iruka were still in the room.

I looked over at them and saw that they were both clearly uncomfortable with the situation.

Why does she have to ruin everything? Wasn't breaking my heart enough?

"What's it going to be Obito"? "Fine but make it quick, I have company over. Stone". I looked over at him but he put his hand up cutting me off. "Don't worry, Xion and I'll keep them company". "Thank you, I'll be back".

I headed upstairs with her and led her to the studio room. My baby brother and sister were also there and I didn't want them to get scared in case I started to yell. "What the hell do you want"? "You know what I want. Now hand it over".

"Never, your not getting a penny out of me". "You owe me". "I don't owe you a dam thing! You're the one that cheated on me! All I ever did was love you"! "No all you ever did was work all the dam time! You never had time for me"!

"I would have done anything for you and you know that! Dammit, Rin you were my first love"! "Were or still am"? She asked smirking. "Don't do that". I said in a low voice. "After all these years your heart still longs for me huh"? I said nothing.

"Your so dam pathetic, I don't know what I ever saw in you". She made her way over to me and whispered in my ear. "I'm going to make your life a living hell". And with that, she left. I let myself fall to the ground and hid my face in my hands.


"I can't believe she showed up here". Xion said. "Me either. I just hope Obito's ok". Stone said looking up the stairs. "Who was that woman"? I asked. "That was Obito's ex Rin. They had a bad break up a few years back and it's still affecting him".

"I see". I said looking down. I picked my head back up when I heard the loud clicking sound of heels coming down the stairs. Her eyes met with mine and It didn't like the look she liked me at all.

"Wheres my brother"? "Probably sulking. You know it's hard for him to hear the truth". "You bitch". "Languge Stone, their are children here". She said looking at me and Iruka. "Leave before I call the cops". "I will but I'll be back". She smirked as she was escorted out.

Stone let out a frustrated sigh and Xion made his way over to him. "Is it ok if I go check on him"? I asked. "Yeah, he should be in the studio. It's the third door on the right". "Thank you". I made my way upstairs and went to him.

My heart broke as I saw him sitting on the floor with his face in his hands. "Obito". "I'm sorry. I know this isn't what you were expecting". I made my way over to him and sat in front of him.

"I don't care about that. I'm more worried about you. I can see your not ok". I said placing my hand on his shoulder. "I'm not". "What happened"? "She wants money out of me. After everything I did for her she wants money from me".

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to but what happened between the two of you"? "I came home one night and chought her cheating on me with a woman". "I'm so sorry Obito". I put my arms around him and hugged him.

He put his head on my shoulder and relaxed against me. "I was nothing but good to her. She was my first everything. Kiss, love you name it. Whatever she needed from me I gave. I honestly thought we would be together forever but I guess I was wrong.

We've been apart for three years but it still hurts so fucking much". "Thank you for sharing that with me. I know it mustive been hard to talk about". "I've tried to move on but I just can't". "Do you think it's because you haven't found the right person yet"?
"I don't know. Could be".

"We can stay here a bit longer if you want". "Thank you". I held him tighter.


"I swear if that bitch hurt my brother i'll make her regret it"! I said I paced back and forth on the rooftop balcony. Xion and Iruka had brought me up here to help me cool off but it wasn't helping. I was still incredibly pissed.

"Stone, you need to relax. Please love". Xion said looking at me pleadingly. "How can I after what she did to him Xion"? "What did she do exactly"? Iruka asked. "She played with his heart is what she did.

My brother is a good man and she treated him like garbage. She spent his money whenever she wanted and slept behind his back countless times. For three years Obito has been struggling to get over her but she didn't leave him alone. All she does is hurt him and I'm sick of it".

Xion got up, fixed me a strong drink and handed it to me. I gulped it down in one go. "I know you wanna protect him, he's your twin of course you do but you have to think about this clearly. You can't get hot headed and end up making a mistake. All you'll end up doing is hurting Obito more in the process".

I let out a sigh and looked at Iruka. "I'm sorry you're seeing me act this way. I know you weren't expecting this when you decided to come over". "It's ok, I understand you wanting to protect your brother". 

I leaned against the bar with my eyes closed and arms folded.  "Are you suggesting what I think you're suggesting"? I asked referring to Xion. "I am. We have to tell your dads".

Word Count. 1173

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