Arranged Marriage Part 5

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The next morning I woke up to the sound of Obito throwing up. I quickly got up, rushed into his room, and made my way into his bathroom. I gently rubbed his back while he threw up. "It's ok, it's ok, let it out". He continued for a few more minutes then stopped.

I whipped his mouth and fixed him a glass of water for him to drink. He took it from me and drank it slowly before handing it back to me. "Thank you". "You're welcome. Wanna go back and lay down"? He nodded his head.

I gently took him by the arm and helped him stand up. I helped him walk over to his bed and helped him lay back down. "Did you take any pain meds yet"? He shook his head. "I'll get you some". I headed back into the bathroom, grabbed the medicine from the cabinet, and brought it to him along with a glass of water.

I gently lifted up his head and helped him drink it. "Are you hungry"? "I don't think I can stomach anything right now". "I understand". "Why are you doing this"? "I sure as hell won't just stand back and watch you suffer". He was about to say something but didn't.

"I know we need to talk but let's do that when your feeling better alright". "Alright". "Is there anything you need me to get you"? "My office at the percent. There are some files I needed to get today". "Ok, how about I go get them for you then come back and help you go through them".

"I'm hungover, not sick". "Yes, but as your husband, it's my job to help you in any way I can". "Why are you trying so hard? You know how I feel". "Please can we wait until your feeling better"? "Fine". "Thank you, I'll be right back". I smiled gently at him then left.

I should've known Obito would have questions. Who wouldn't, I did agree to this without any hesitation? It's only fair he would be suspicious of my actions. I know he probably thinks I'm only using him for his family name and money but that's not it at all.

I agreed to marry him because I love him, even though I know he hates me. I just wish he would tell me what I did to hurt him.

I thought to myself as I walked to the Uchiha police station. I was in a pretty good mood until someone decided to show up. "Hey there senpai".

Why now

"Hey there Tenzo. How's it going"? "Is it true"? "Is what true"? "Are you and Obito actually married"? "We are. We signed the papers ahead of time and decided to have the ceremony at the end of the year". "Doesn't that seem backwards to you"? "It's what we both wanted.

Now if you'll excuse me I'm currently running an errand for him and would like to finish it as quickly as I can since he's not feeling well". "Your heading in the direction of the police station. Couldn't he have gotten Stone to do that for him"?

"Did it ever occur to you that Stone might be busy? I'm his husband Tenzo, it only makes sense that I would help him out when I can". "If you say so. Still seems odd to me". "That's because you're not married". I walked past him and headed towards the police station.

"Kakashi? What are you doing here"? Madara asked as I came in. "I just came to get some papers for Obito, he's not feeling well". "Oh I see. His office is upstairs, third door on your left". "Thank you sir".

I made my way upstairs and headed straight for his office. I knocked before heading In and was surprised when I didn't see Stone in here. I found Obito's desk, grab the papers that were on it and headed out.


Iruka was shaking slightly in my arms as I held him close to me. He had a nightmare last night and I've been home taking care of him. "You were killed infront of me. You and Xion both". He whispered as he clung to me tight. I held him tight as I gently stroked his hair.

"All it was was a bad dream. Xion and I aren't going anywhere". "I was completely useless. There was nothing I could do to protect either of you". "Your not useless Iru. Your so much stronger then you give yourself credit for".

He clung to me tighter. "I can't lose anyone else Stone. I couldn't do anything to protect my mom and dad. I don't know what would happen to me if I lost you and Xion as well". "I'm guessing you had another nightmare love".

Xion said as he came into the room. "Xion". Iruka said looking up at him with tears in his eyes. I watched as Xion put his bag down and climbed into bed with us. Iruka turned around and clung to him as Xion and I both held him.

"You and Stone were killed in front of me. I couldn't do anything to help you". He said letting a new wave of tears fall. "Stone and I aren't going anywhere. The last thing either of us are going to do is leave you". "Promise"? "I promise". Xion said. "I do as well. We love you more then anything in this world. Never forget that".

He nodded his head. "How long have you been having this dream"? "A few weeks". "Why didn't you tell us"? "I didn't want to worry either of you". "Baby, we can't help you if we don't know what's going on with you".

"I know, I'm sorry". "There's nothing for you to apologize for. We love you". "I love you both too". "Your parents would be proud of you". "You think so"? "We know so". Xion said. "Try to get some rest baby, we're right here". He nodded his head and did as told.

Word Count. 1010

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