Let Me Help You Part 5

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A month later


A month. It's been a month since my accident and I still haven't been able to get rid of the pain in my legs. I know it'll take a while before I'm able to stand up and walk on my own again but I at least thought a little bit of the pain would be gone by now.

If not that then for it to at least stop for a while then come back but instead it's constant. I've tried taking the pain pills papa prescribed me but all they do is make me tired.

I don't want to sleep. I want to get better as soon as I can and be able to help people again. I hate feeling like this. I hate how helpless I am right now. My eyes averted to my bedroom door as the person on the other side opened it.

I already knew who it was by their chakra. She came inside wearing a skin-tight dress that did little effort to cover her cleavage. To make matters worse she reeked of booze.

"Hey, there baby". "Amethyst". She made her way over to me, climbed in bed, got on top of me and slightly rubbed her ass against my private area as her hands rested on my chest. "How about you and I have a little fun him"?

"I can't". "You won't have to do anything, I'll do all the work". She started to pull my pants down but I stopped her. "What the hells wrong with you!? Am I not hot enough for you anymore? Is that it"?

"Are you fucking blind? I just had surgery done on my legs a week ago. I don't have the energy to be intimate with you right now. Hell, most of the time I'm too tired to even get out of bed and go have breakfast. Do you have any idea what kind of tole this has on my body at the moment or is sex the only thing you want from me"?

"Let's not pretend that's not why you started dating me Obito". "What"? "Don't play dumb. You calm to love me but all you ever wanted from me was my body. That's all you Uchiha's ever care about. None of you know what love is and never will. Oh and one more thing.

I hope you're never able to walk again. Think of this as karma for being such a terrible boyfriend. You're useless. The only reason your father hired you in the first place was because of how fast you can run. Now that you can't he has no need tor you". She climbed off of me and headed out while also pulling the cover with her causing me to fall to the floor.


I heard a loud thud come from Obito's room as I stood at the stove cooking breakfast. I turned my head only to find a pissed off amethyst storming out of the house. "He's your fucking problem now". I immediately turned the stove off and rushed to his room.

What I saw broke my heart. Obito was on the floor wrapped up in blankets. What broke my heart the most was seeing him struggle to stand up with tears in his eyes.

"Obito"! I rushed over to him and immediately started unwrapping him from the blankets. "It hurts". "I know, just give me a few seconds". I successfully unwrapped him, put one arm around his waist with one of his arms over my shoulders but it was no use, the more I tried to pull him up the more he would keep his body still.

"Obito"? "I can't do this anymore". He whispered with his head down. I didn't like the way he looked right now. He looked so defeated. I forced him into bed, made him lay down and laid down beside him. "Talk to me. What happend"?

"Why? You'll just prove what she said to be true". Tears were starting to fill his eyes. "I'm not her Obito. You know I'm not her. Let me prove you wrong. Please"?

"I know she treats me poorly I do, but it's what I deserve. I failed to protect Rin that day. I failed to protect the person I claimed to love most in this world, if I had gotten there just a few seconds earlier then she would still be alive today.

When I first met her she helped to take the pain away. I started to think Rin had sent her my way so I wouldn't be alone but I was wrong. The only thing she wanted from me was sex and money. Stone's been trying to get me to break up with her but I just couldn't bring myself to do it".

"What did she say to you before she left"? "That I was useless. That all I ever wanted her was for her body. That Uchiha'sdont know how to love and aren't capable of giving it and don't even know the meaning of it. That this was karma for being a terrible boyfriend and that the only reason my dad hired me was because of how fast I could run".

"Please tell me you don't believe her"? He said nothing. "Obito". I gently cupped his cheek. "Your an amazing person, anyone would be lucky to have you as theirs. Amethyst wasn't the right person for you, all she cared about was partying and drinking. She doesn't know how to love someone as amazing as you.

Don't listen to her. All she wants to do is make you feel miserable so she can feel better about herself. None of what she said is true. Your not useless and your father didn't hire you solely because you could run fast. He hired you because he knew you would be good at it and he was right.

Your one of the best cops he has. I know him and Hashirama are proud of you. I know because I'm proud of you". "I became a cop so I could stop people from being killed the way Rin was. How can I do that if I can't walk"?

"You'll get your legs back I promise. I'm not going to leave you until your able to walk again". "Why are you helping me? I abandoned you after what happened"? "I never blamed you for that. You had ever right to hate me. If I had never involved myself with those people then Rin would still be alive.

That's why I started studying medicine. I wanted to save peoples lives and help them. There's one more thing your wrong about though". "What's that"? "If you wanted someone to help you take the pain away then all you had to do was ask me". I leaned in and kissed him.

"Kakashi". He said against my lips. "Don't fight me, I know you want this". He pulled me closer to him and kissed me back.

It took a while but six months later Obito was walking around and feeling like his old self again.

Word Count. 1187

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