Rescued By The Mafia Part 3

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I moved my head to the side as I dodged a punch that was coming my way. My twin brother Stone and I were currently training while our dad watched. Stone knew he wanted to join the Mafia since we were eight but I would always watch him and our older brother Hibiki spar with each other which is why I was able to keep up with him.

For the past few days, I've been both anxious and worried and I knew exactly why. Kakashi has been missing for the past few days. After his birthday I went out looking for him the very next day to hang out again but he wasn't there.

I was sad but figured his dad wasn't letting him out. The next day I went out again and he still wasn't there. I asked Detera to help me search for his chakra but we didn't have any luck. If I hadn't met him crying I wouldn't be this worried but I did and I am.

He's small and young, and so far I'm the only one that's looking out for him that I know of. This is none of my business, this shouldn't be any of my business but it is. I won't be able to relax until I see him.

"Continue". Dad ordered. Stone went for a low kick but I countered jumping in the air and kicking him in the back of his head. He turned around quickly for a punch which I managed to catch and threw my own punch his way which he managed to catch. Both our sharingans were activated but that wasn't the reason we were even.

We knew how the other fought and moved in battle. This match was part of my initiation. I haven't asked him yet but I knew the only way my dad would look for him is if I was part of the mafia.

He's not cruel though, I knew he wouldn't give me someone too strong or too weak to fight against. Quickly I backed away and breathed out a blast of fire which he managed to duck underneath. He countered with sending large vines my way but I was able to jump in the air and breathed out another blast of fire that burned them instantly.

So far Stone and I are the only two who have fully mastered the abilities we've inherited from both our dad and papa. " Wood style, splinter barrage"! Sharp tiny needles flew out of the walls towards him. "Fire style, dragons breath". He breathed out a blast of fire incinerating them.

"Lightning style, shockwave"! I sent blasts of electricity at him. "Wood style, wood barrier"! A long wall of wood sprouted out of the floor shielding him. "Alright enough you two, it's clear this will continue to go back and forth". Dad chuckled. I landed on my feet and went to stand in front of him with Stone.

"Doesn't there need to be a winner though"? I asked. "Normally yes but since I'm the boss I can change the rules whenever I want. You did great Obito just like I knew you would. I always intended on letting you in when you were ready I just wanted to watch my boys spar a little".

I smiled before kneeling before him. "I know I just started today but I need to ask a favor from you". "Go ahead". "I met a boy named Kakashi the other day. He's eight years old and really small for his age. When I saw him he was crying in the forest because his dad wasn't doing anything for his birthday.

I took him to the cafe I always go to and got him a slice of cake, I also told him I would be his friend from now on but I haven't seen him since. I normally wouldn't be worried but I can't shake this bad feeling I have". "Stone, you and Hibiki will go out and help your brother look, he's just a kid so I don't want to scare him off with a bunch of adults calling out for him".

"Yes, father".

Anything Detera

Not yet but I'm still looking

The three of us had gotten ready as fast as possible and split up as soon as we made it to the forest. It would be faster and much more efficient that way. Stone and Hibiki looked like papa but the three of us did share features so I knew Kakashi wouldn't be too scared of them if one of them found him before me.

I looked everywhere, behind bushes, trees, hiding holes but nothing. Detera was helping me search for his chakra but he was having trouble as well. I tried my best to stay calm, I knew worrying constantly wouldn't help the situation but that was easier said than done. I couldn't get the sad look in his eyes out of my head no matter how hard I tried.

"Any luck Obito"? Hibiki asked through the earpiece I was wearing. "Nope. What about the two of you"? "I haven't seen anyone"? Stone said. "Me either". Hibiki said. "Are you searching the area you found him at"? Stone asked.

"Yeah, but I haven't seen him or sensed his chakra". "Either he's not coming or he hasn't shown up yet". Hibiki said. "Maybe". I brushed aside a few branches as I made my way back to the river I was at and stopped in my tracks. there standing in a gray shirt and black jeans was none other than Kakashi.

He smiled shyly at me. "Kakashi". "H hey Obito". He looked to the side. "Are you ok? What happened? I've been looking for you nonstop". I stepped closer but he backed up.

"I'm sorry to have worried you, my dad took me on a trip for a few days". "I see". He nodded. "It was uh eventful but it's clear we can't stay friends". "What? Why not"? He looked down hiding his eyes from me. "I just can't, I appreciate you cheering me up the other day but we can't see each other anymore after today. After today I'll stop coming here".

"Kakashi please, you don't have to do this. Whatever's going on I can help you". "Maybe so but this is something that can't be helped. I'm sorry for hurting you and making you worry but this is goodbye for good. I no longer exist after today to you".

"Nonsense! I'm not going to forget about you just because you're asking me to, especially when there's also no good reason". "I'm sorry, I really am". He turned around and left. I was about to run after him but was stopped by both Stone and Hibiki placing their hands on my shoulders.

"Did you hear everything"? "We did"? Hibiki said. "Let him go Obito, at least this way you know what's going on". Stone said softly.

I don't think I can.

Word Count: 1165

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