My Jinjuriki Lover Part 4

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I was in my office doing paperwork when I heard a knock at the door.

"Come in".

Kushina came in and I sat up immediately. "Yes love"? "We need to talk about Kakashi". "What about him"? "I think it'll be best if we come up with safety precautions for when he gets older". "Why's that"? "He's behaving for now but we can't be sure he won't get mad in the future and try to destroy the village".

"I suppose you have a point there. What do you suppose"? "We have a wood-style user restrain him when that happens". "Lord Hashirama would never agree to that and he's friends with Stone and Obito". "I'm not talking about them".

"Who are you talking about then"? "There's a little boy who lives here with his sister. They're both orphans. The boy's name is Tenzo Yamato and just like Hashirama, he specializes in wood style. His sister Yukimi has the ability to transform her body into smoke and can enter the person's body and control their every movement".

"I see, both those abilities will be very handy in the future but how can we be sure Kakashi will turn on us. You know him just as well as I do. He always follows the rules no matter what". "I know, they'll just be there in case something does happen. We're the leaders of the village. We have to take every precaution in keeping it safe". "Your right as always".


I was at home helping Deidara with his hair. His mom and dad weren't home to do it for him and he was too young to know how to do it at all. He's only one. "Did you have any plans today dei dei"? I asked while brushing his hair.  "I was gonna go over to Itachi's house but I don't know how to get there".

"It's ok, I'll take you". "Really"!? He asked looking up at me smiling. "Mhm". "Your the best Kashi". "It's no problem really". I said smiling through my mask. Once I was finished the two of us left my house together and headed towards the Uchiha district holding hands.

People gave me weird looks on our way there but I didn't let it get to me considering I had Deidara with me. They probably thought I was going to corrupt the Hokage's son or turn him into a monster like me. "Kashi, why is everyone glaring at you"? He asked looking up at me.

"Try to pay them no mind dei. There are people in this world who just like to pick on people for no reason. It doesn't matter if they know them or not". "Oh alright". I smiled down at him and continued my walk with him.

We made it to the Uchiha district and headed towards the main house. I let dei knock on the door and a few seconds later Obito answered, I wasn't surprised at all to see he had a eye patch covering his left eye. "Hey Kashi, hey dei". He said smiling. "Hey Obi, Dei wanted to play with Itachi so I thought I'd bring him with me".

"That's fine, he's in his room but the two of you are gonna have to be quiet while papa naps". "Ok Obi". He said smiling, he gave us each a hug then headed inside to go meet Itachi. "Do the twins make him tired often"?

"Yeah but most of the time he tries his best to push through it". "I see". "Mhm, came to hang out"? "Yeah but I understand if you need to stay home". "It's fine, dads home right now so I can go". "Alright". "Dad, I'm heading out for a bite with Kakashi". He said looking back before heading outside and closing the door.

Obito took off and I chased after him. The two of us raced each other back and forth as we ran across the different rooftops in town. We made sure not to disturb anyone while we had our fun. Every time I would get close Obito would pick up his speed a little.

I did the same thing when he was chasing after me. It wasn't often I allowed myself to goof off like this but I just couldn't help it when I was around Obito. I was able to relax around him and just enjoy being a kid. The two of us continued to laugh as our chase took us into the forest.

We raced through the trees using the big tree branches to give us an extra boost of speed when we jumped off of one of them. I was afraid only having one eye would slow Obito down a bite but it didn't. He moved the same way he always did.

It's as if it didn't affect him at all. I was glad to know that. I would hate the be the cause of Obito becoming weaker just because he was trying to help me. When I finally caught him the two of us tumbled to the ground and rolled on the forest floor together.

When we came to a stop he was laying on his back while I was on top of him, both of us laughing happily. "That was fun". He said catching his breath. "Mhm". He sat up a bit making me sit in his lap but I didn't care.

"It's never a dull moment with you". I said smiling. "Is that a bad thing"? I shook my head. "Good". All of a sudden the two of us heard a loud nose. We rushed over to where it was and was shocked to see a boy that was younger than us both practicing wood style.

"Who are you"? Obito asked. I could tell right away he was suspicious of the two of them. Only the Uchiha and Senju clans are supposed to possess wood-style users. "My brothers practicing his Jutsu. There a problem with that"? The little girl that was with him asked.

"Only the Uchiha and Senju clans are able to use wood style and neither of you belong to them". Obito said sternly. "How would you know"? "Because I'm apart of both clans. I'm the second eldest son of Madara and Hashirama Uchiha.

My names Obito Senju Uchiha, now tell me how your able to use a jutsu that belongs to my clan before I lose my patience". Obito said activating his Sharingan. I immediately placed my hand on his shoulder.

"Relax, I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation for this". I said trying to get him to calm down. "Are all the Uchiha's so hot tempered"? Obito's eye twitched. "I'm sure you can understand why my friend would be upset by this. All we want is an explanation as to how your able to use that kind of jutsu".

"My father gave me to lord Orochimaru to have experiments done on me, that's how. I'm Tenzo and this is my little sister Yukimi". "I'm Kakashi and this is my friend Obito".

That boy gives me a bad feeling for some reason

Me too but we can't be quick to judge someone we just met.

I know, just be careful

"What village do the two of you belong to"? I asked. "Konoha, our clan died so the Hokage has given us permission to live there". "I see". I looked over at Obito and saw that he was clearly annoyed.

"It was nice meeting you both but it's best we get going now. His papa is pregnant and he needs to stay close to help out his dads". I took Obito by the hand and left with him back to the village.

Once back we headed straight to his house. Obito headed inside, went straight to his parents room and knocked on their bedroom door.

"Come in".

Obito and I headed inside and saw his papa curled up next to his dad while he slept soundly in his arms. I couldn't help but picture a older version of me and Obito like that.

"What's wrong Obito? You look stressed". "I saw a boy in the forest that's not a part of our clan using wood style". "What"? "Mhm, he claims that his dad gave him to Orochimaru to be experimented on". "Were you there as well Kakashi"?

"Yes sir, he's telling the truth. He had a little sister with him but we're not sure if she's able to use it as well or not". "Do you trust them"? "No". Obito said immediately. "You Kakashi"? "I don't know, I don't like to be quick to judge others but I do get a odd feeling from the boy and his sister had a bad attitude altogether".

"I see, what clan are they a part of"? "We don't know but they said they just moved to Konoha". Obito said. "If that's true then the police force will be able to keep an eye on them. Thank you for telling me boys". "Yes sir". We bowed to him then left.

I took Obito's hand in mine and gently squeezed it. "Everythings going to be ok". He squeezed it back. "Thank you".

Word Count. 1512

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