Let Me Help You Part 4

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Flashback to eight years ago


Sweat was rolling down my face as I sat on the edge of the bed. I had borrowed money from the wrong people to help pay for my father's medical bills and was having a hard time paying them back. I didn't tell anyone what I was doing. No one even knew my father was sick.

That's how I wanted it. It was my job to take care of him not anyone else. I was also afraid of the people I owed money to hurting them. I'd never be able to forgive myself if Obito or Rin ever got hurt because of me.

My body jolted as I heard a knock at the door. I wasn't at my house but a hotel room. The people I owed wanted me to meet them here at a certain time. I had arrived early so I could try and think of a way to get extra time.

"Kakashi, it's me, open up".

Rin? How did she know I'd be here

"Come in". I said hesitantly. She did. She made her way over to me and slapped me. "Ow! What was that for"!? "You idiot! How dare you keep something like this away from your friends"!? "What are you talking about"? "Obito and I know about your dad. We saw him when Obito went over there to pay his papa a visit".

All I could do was hang my head. She kneeled down in front of me. "We're your friends Kakashi. Obito and I will always be here for you no matter what. You don't have to keep things from us. You don't have to stress yourself out with things you can't handle. Let us help you".

I looked at her teary-eyed. "Rin". She was about to say something but the door soon flew open. I immediately pushed Rin behind me as Razor walked in. "I thought I told you to come alone"?

"I'm sorry sir, I didn't know she'd show up". "Do you have my money or not"? "I have half". "Half isn't all of it". "I know, just please give me until the end of the week. I promise I'll have it by then". "I've already given you extra time. Your times run out".

He took out his pocket knife and came at me full force. I was able to grab his arms in time stopping him . That wasn't good enough though. He swiped his leg underneath mine tripping me up. I managed to do the same but he was able to get on top of me and grab the knife.

I grabbed his arm again and tried my best to kick him off of me but it was no use. What I didn't expect was for Rin to tackle him. She pushed him off of me and climbed on top of him. I was about to get up and help her but was immediately pinned down by one of his bodyguards.

I watched helplessly as the two of them struggled to get control of the knife. This is why I didn't want any of them to know. I didn't want them involved in this. The only thing that brought me comfort was the police sirens outside.

She called Madara

It was no use though. I watched helplessly as Razor grabbed ahold of the blade and stabbed her in the heart. The bodyguard let go of me and I was able to go to her. I picked her bloodied body up and held her close to me as I sat on the floor. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Rin". I said as tears rolled down my face.

"This is all your fault. If you had paid me my money then she wouldn't have gotten hurt". Razor said. The next thing I heard was the clicking sound of a gun. "Any last words"? "I should be asking you that". Madara said as he burst into the room.

"Rin"! Obito yelled as he came into the room.

He's here too?

I said nothing as he made his way over to us and his father and uncle took away Razor and his friends. "Kakashi, What happened"? He asked teary-eyed. "I'm sorry Obito. This is all my fault. I killed her"? I whispered the last part.

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