Where Are You Part 3

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I had went to bed early last night after everyone ate and we all went over the details for the mission. The Anbu members with the cat and dog masks said they had spotted a hideout a few miles from here while we were traveling earlier but what concerned me the most was what the Anbu member with the bird mask had said.

He was one of the men that were in charge of gathering food. When he came back he had told me that he had found very big paw prints but couldn't tell what animal made them.

I would be lying if I said this didn't pick my curiosity. I hadn't heard anything about there being new animals in this forest and I found myself wanting to discover what they were. I also wanted to know if they were dangerous or not.

I looked up at the sky and saw that the sun was just beginning to rise. I made a shadow clone and left him at the campsite while I went to investigate. The forest was quiet and still as I walked along the forest floor. All of the nocturnal animals were going to sleep while the day animals were about to wake up soon.

I searched and searched until I found what I was looking for. My eyes widened in shock at the massive size of the paw print left behind by the animal. I jumped up into the trees to examine it better and was even more shocked by the animal that had made it.

It was obvious to me that this was a wolf paw print but I couldn't imagine any kind of wolf being this big considering it covered most if not all of the ground.

Could this be a new species no one knows about

I made my way further down and saw more paw prints. I stood inside one and placed my hand on the ground. From what I could tell these were made before my team had arrived here. Maybe a day or two. I stood back up and made my way back to the campsite.

My clone disappeared as I arrived. I made my way over to a tree, sat down, and took out my notepad and pen.

To Lord Sixth

Everything is going fine so far. I kamuied the six of us to the border yesterday. We traveled for a bit then decided to set up camp. We plan on continuing our search for them today. There are a few hideouts near our location and we plan on searching each one

The sixth of us will infiltrate each of them today and see if we can find anything. Hopefully, we'll be able to find them sooner rather than later. If not we will continue or search until all the children are rescued and brought back home safely. I'll send my next report tonight but there is something I want to talk to you about when I return

I folded the note up, summoned a messenger hawk, tied it around his neck, and sent him off. The rest of my team started to make their way out of their tents soon after.

After the six of us were done eating we immediately made our way towards one of the hideouts. When we arrived at our first one the six of us stood on a tree branch while I used my sharingan to search inside. I didn't see anyone there though.

I motioned my team to keep moving and we did. We traveled for five miles until we came across another hideout. This one didn't have anyone there either. The next hideout was six miles away. Still nothing. The next hideout was twelve miles away and took the longest to get to.

There were a few men already outside. I used my Sharingan that was still activated and took a look inside. There were more men inside but what cought my eye the most was all of the children there.

I could feel my blood start to boil as I looked at their malnourished bodies and sad faces. I knew how to keep my emotions in check when on missions like this though. "You know the plan already. Just make sure you move quickly and only kill if necessary".

The six of us jumped down and got to work. I took out the two guards that were keeping watch in front then made my way inside with the others. They ran in ahead of me and split up. I made my way upstairs and started searching.

As soon as I opened the first door I was attacked. One of the men threw a punch at me but i easily dodged it. I grabbed his hand and twisted his wrist while glaring at him. He stared at me shocked while letting out a silent scream.

I kicked him in the stomach then hit the pressure point in the back of his neck to knock him out. I tied him up then continued my search for the missing kids. I was attacked by yet another on of their men.

This one ran up to me but I simply grabbed him by the arm and flung him to the ground hard. I quickly tied him up as well and continued. The next person that tried to attack me I ended up putting in a genjutsu and tied him up as well.

I searched each of the rooms until I came to the one at the end of the hall. I made my way inside and felt my heart break as I looked at the defeated faces on these kids. They looked up at me and had nothing but fear in their eyes.

"It's ok, I'm here to help you. I'm going to take all of you back home to your family's". I made my way over to them slowly and gently untied them before helping them to stand up. I ushered them out of the room and out of the house where the rest of my team was already waiting for us with the captured ninja.

"Let's get going". The five of them nodded their heads and we took off. We stopped at at the first village we saw and got a place to stay for the night considering it was starting to get dark. I made sure all of the kids had warm food to eat and had a bath before they went down for the night.

I made my way to my room that was next to theirs, took out my notepad and wrote my update report.

To Lord Sixth

The mission was a success. We successful rescused all of the children and have their kidnappers apprehended. We will be bringing them back to their families tomorrow then making our way back home.

I summoned my messenger hawk again, tied the note around his neck and sent him off. I was about to head to bed when I felt a presence in the room. I grabbed a kuni and readied myself but the next thing I knew a small ball came crashing through the window.

Before I had time to react smoke came out of it that knocked me out. The last thing I thought of before I lost consciousness was Obito and the kids.

Word Count. 1228

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