My Jinjuriki Lover Part 6

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Eight years later


Obito and I were both on a mission by ourselves. It wasn't anything too hard we were just helping his dad find a fugitive that had escaped during the night. Normally Obito would be with Stone but he had asked me to come along with him this time.

I wasn't complaining in the slightest. I'll take any chance I can to have some alone time with him, even if it is a mission. I followed beside him as he lead us to one of the neighboring villages. "The person we're after is Ken Hyuga. He was banished from his clan after Hiashi found him trying to steal jewelry and money from the main branch.

Shadow had originally brought him in but he managed to escape last night during a shift change". He said focused. Over the years Obito's hair had gotten longer and he no longer needed to wear an eyepatch since he had awakened the renningan when we were sixteen.

He's also gotten taller, he's 6, 2 now. I've gotten taller as well but if I would ever want to kiss him either he would have to bend down or I would have to stand on my tip toes, my hair has also gotten longer like his.

"How skilled is he"? "The two of us should be able to take him easily, he's only a chunin". "How old is he"? "Eighteen". "I see". "Don't worry, I don't plan on hurting him. That will be entirely up to him rather I do or not". "I understand". He nodded his head and we kept walking.  When we arrived there we were immediately greeted by one of the villagers.

"Welcome gentleman. What brings you to our village today"? She asked. "Were on officially police business". Obito said showing her his badge. "Certainly sir, if there's anything the village elder can do to help please let us know".

"Thank you". He said putting his badge back. She bowed to us then left. "Let's go". I nodded my head and followed. The two of us walked side by side. We did our best to not look suspicious so we wouldn't accidentally let Ken know we were on to him.

As far as everyone was concerned we were merely friends who decided to come visit a nearby village on our way back to our own village. This is the cover Obito had come up with and I went along with it, the only reason he told the gatekeeper the truth was so we could be allowed in.

I couldn't help but feel bothered by this though. I had kinda hoped Obito would use the boyfriend cover for this mission. I know it would be fake but I didn't care. I wouldn't mind being his pretend boyfriend, not at all. It would actually make me happy.

I know it wouldn't be fair to me and that Obito would never use me like that but I can't help it. Over the years my feelings for him have only become stronger. I know I should've been told him how I feel towards him but I can't. I can't because I know realistically the two of us could never be together. I'm a jinjuriki after all.

"Let go of me"! Obito and I both stopped in our tracks as we heard a woman yell. We ran in the direction the voice was coming from and stopped when we saw Ken harassing a woman in an alleyway. She was struggling to get away from him as he tried to take her purse off her.

"Uchiha police, stop right there". Obito said sternly. Ken looked at him shocked then took off. Obito ran after him immediately as I stayed behind with the young lady. "Are you ok miss"? I asked gently. "Y yeah, I'll be fine". "He didn't hurt you did he"?

"No, you got here before he could". "That's good". I lifted up my headband and activated my Sharingan so I could look and see what Obito was doing. I watched as he continued to chase Ken through the village.

Ken tried to sneak his way into a crowd to try and get away from him but Obito wouldn't let him. He managed to keep up with him easily and tackled him to the ground when no one was in the way. He pinned him to the ground hard, read him his rights, and handcuffed him.

He then kamuied back to me. "I'm sorry for the trouble he caused you, ma'am, we'll be taking him back to our village now". "Thank you both". "Your more than welcome". Obito said smiling. "Ready to go"? I nodded my head and he kamuied us home.

Once home we immediately made our way to the Uchiha police station. We made our way inside once there and headed straight for his dads office.

"Come in".

He said after Obito knocked. We walked in together and his dad had a very pleased look on his face. "Nice work boys". "Thank you sir". We said in unison. "Did he give you a lot of trouble"? "He tried to sneak into a crowd of people while I was chasing after him but I was able to catch up to him easily.
He was in a village five miles away from here".

"You sure as heck didn't run far Ken". "Tch". "Put him back in his cell and place a seal on it so he dosent escape this time". "Yes sir". Obito and I bowed to him then headed to the prison cells with him. Obito threw Ken inside, closed the doors, locked them and immediately placed a strong sealing talisman on it.

He motioned his head and I walked out with him. "Thanks for the help Kashi, I appreciate it". He said smiling as we started walking the streets together. "Don't mention it, you know I'd do anything for you". I said smiling.

"Yeah, I know". He said smiling back. "Hello there senpai". Tenzo said making his way over to us. I could immediately feel Obito getting tense but I simply smiled at him which caused him to calm down.

"Hello Tenzo what can I do for you"? "Can I talk to you in private"? "With all due respect whatever you have to say to me can be said infront of Obito". "This dosent involve him". "But it does involve my friend and anything that involves him involves me as well".

"He's right Tenzo. Obito and I don't keep any secrets from each other".


Not now Siro

"Oh so he does know then"? I froze. "Of course I know, like he said we tell each other everything". "Well then in that case I need to know where you were". "Not that it's any of your business he was with me on a mission".

"What kind of mission? Lord Hokage didn't assign him any". "No but my father did. And since it was official police business neither of us are allowed to tell you because of confidentiality". "Do you always do his talking for him"?

"No, only when he feels stressed by a situation like he is now". "How can you tell he's stressed. He looks fine to me". "I don't expect you to understand since you barely know him. Now if you'll excuse us". He took me by the hand and walked off with me.

"Obito". "You don't have to tell me if your not ready. I understand it might be too hard for you to talk about. Just know that I will be here to listen when you are". "Thank you".


I was in my office working when a angry Tenzo walked in. "Most people knock you know". "We have a problem". "And what would that be"? "Kakashi Hatake". "Did he attack anyone"? "Well no". "Then what's the problem"?

"He went on a mission without your permission". "What kind of mission"? "I don't know, Obito wouldn't tell me nor would he". "What does Obito have to do with any of this"?

"He was on the mission with him". "Was Obito wearing his police uniform"? "Yes sir". "Then there's nothing wrong with what he did. He was helping the police force, I'm sure Madara will let me know about it later".

"How am I supposed to do my job if he wonders off on Uchiha missions with his friend"? "That's not my problem to figure out, it's yours". "Make him marry me then. If we're married I can keep an eye on him all day and night". "I'll consider it". "Thank you Hokage sama".

Word Count. 1435

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