I Cain't Love You

375 15 32

This was requested by Mshivsd


This will consist of bullying, sexual assault, abuse, self-harm, depression, and child abuse and gay slurs. If you struggle with any of these things I recommend not reading.


My arm stung as my pocket knife slid against my soft skin. I watched with a blank expression as the red liquid leaked out of the wound and onto my arm. I gripped the knife again and made another cut.





My left arm was covered in blood. I was careful not to let it get on the floor. If that happened I would get in trouble again. I moved the blade to my left hand and started cutting again.






When I was done with my cutting session I turned the faucet on and placed them under the running water. I didn't wince in pain I just watched blankly as the cold water cleaned my wounds. I turned the water off afterwards and whipped my arms clean before bandaging them.

I grabbed my school shirt that was hanging on a hanger on the shower rail and put it on then grabbed my school jacket, put it on, and buttoned it up. My jacket sleeves covered my arms fully so I wasn't worried about anyone seeing them.

I looked at myself in the mirror. As much as I wanted to hate the person looking back at me I couldn't. I couldn't because that would mean I would be hating my father as well. I grabbed my school bag from the floor and headed out.

Once downstairs I took notice to all of the empty alcohol bottles that were on the floor as well as the dirty dishes that were piled high in the sink. I let out a sigh as I quickly picked up each of the bottles and placed them in the trashcan.

If you're gonna drink you could at least pick up after yourselves

I thought to myself as I headed out the door. I didn't have a car so I had to walk to school. I didn't mind I was used to it by this point. The private school I attended started at seven-thirty. I always left my house around six so I would be able to relax for at least thirty minutes with my friend Rin before classes started.

Fifteen minutes later I arrived. I was immediately treated with nothing but glares as I made my way through the front door and down the hall to where the lockers were. I headed to my locker which was on the third hall opened it and replaced my afternoon books with my morning boos.

I could hear the whispers coming from the group of boys that were a few lockers down. I knew they were talking bad about me, they always did. The only one that wasn't was Obito Uchiha the most popular boy in school.

He never said anything when the subject of me came up. I didn't know if he felt the same way as the others did. I wouldn't be surprised if he did. Everything they say about me is true after all.

I said nothing as I zipped up my school bag and headed towards the school roof. I always spent my mornings up there with Rin. It's the only time I had any peace.

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