My Celebrity Boyfriend Part 8

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"So how was your visit last night"? My girlfriend Konan asked while we laid in bed together. "It was good. I'm pretty sure Obito is completely distraught right now". I said smiling. "If anyone can make him that way it's you". She said smiling with her hands behind her head.

"Thank you but money isn't all I'm going to ask for. Obito has a boyfriend now". "Oh he does does he"? "Mhm, and I plan on making both their lives hell". She grabbed me by my chin and kissed me.


"Do you want me to get Stone". Kakashi asked softly. The two of us were still in the Studio room but now I had my head resting in his lap. "I probably should talk to him. I know he's probably worried sick right now".

"Obito, you in here"? Stone asked coming into the room. I didn't have to look up to know he was shocked to see Kakashi and I like this. "What did she do". He asked kneeling beside me. "She wants money out of me". "That bitch". He mumbled under his breath.

"We need to go tell dad and papa". "I don't want to worry them". "We don't have a choice Obi". He placed his hand on my arm. "I hate seeing her hurt you like this". I looked up at him then closed my eyes and nodded my head.

"Let get going". Stone helped me up and we all got in his car and drove to our parent's house which wasn't far. Shisui and Itachi stayed behind to watch our younger siblings and their friends. When we got there I knocked on the door and a few seconds later one of our aunts answered.

"Stone, Obito". She said shocked. "Hey Aunt Ryuko". "I didn't realize you were coming over. Weren't you having a party"? "We were but something came up". She looked and saw the state I was in then opened the door letting us in.

"Boys". Papa said as soon as he saw us walk in. Both him and dad looked at us shocked as well as my Aunt Inuama who was also there. "We need to talk". Stone said. "About what"? Papa asked. "Rin". I whispered. "Sit down". Dad said.

We made our way over to the couch opposite them and sat down. Kakashi sat next to me while Iruka sat by Stone and Xion. "Dad, Papa these are our friends Kakashi and Iruka. Iruka, Kakashi this is my dad Madara, my papa Hashirama and my Aunts Inuama and Ryuko". Stone said. "It's a pleasure to meet you both". Papa said. "You as well sir". Kakashi said.

"What happened Obito"? Dad asked with nothing but concern in his eyes. "Stone and I were having a party like I told you. Everything was going fine. Everyone was getting along with each other and having fun but then Rin showed up.

I don't know how or why she was able to get in but she did. Stone and I tried to get her to leave but she wouldn't. She had previously sent me texts saying she wanted to talk with me and like always I did my best to ignore her but I couldn't this time.

Kakashi and Iruka were at the house and I didn't want to make thing even more uncomfortable for them so I headed upstairs with her and that's when she told me she wanted money. Obviously I told her no but then we started arguing and that's when she took the opportunity to belittle me again".

"Why didn't you call us to come over"? Papa asked. "I didn't want to worry any of you". "Oh Obito". He said looking at me sympathetically. "How much does she want"? Dad asked. "Fifity million". "Is she out of her goddam mind"!? Aunt Inuama asked shocked.

The four of them went quiet as they thought about what to do. Aunt Ryuko then stood up and gesteted the three of them to follow her. They went into the kitchen to talk and after a few minutes came out. "We've come up with a plan but we don't know how the five of you will take it". Dad said as they all sat back down.

"What's that"? I asked. "We don't know how effective this will be but we think if Rin were to find out that you were in a relationship again that she might back off". "What are you suggesting"? "How close are you and Kakashi"? Papa asked.

"I can't ask him to do that papa". "I don't mind". "Kakashi". I said looking at him shocked. "I know we just met the other day but I don't like the way she treats you, it isn't right. If I can help in any way I'll do it".

"Then it's settled. The two of you will pretend to date until the Rin situation is settled". "Dad he's eighteen". "And, the last time I checked eighteen was considered an adult. Besides it looks like he really wants to help you". Papa said.

"Let's not forget that when I found you your head was in his lap". "Stone"! I said glaring at him. "Even more reason to ask Kakashi to do this". Dad said. "Kakashi, I know it's late and that you should probably be getting home right now but can you please stay the night with him.

I don't want him to be alone right now". Papa asked. "Of course Mr. Uchiha". "Thank you". Papa said smiling.

The five of us left soon after. Kakashi came home with me and for some reason Iruka left with Xion and Stone. Kakashi and I headed upstairs and he took me straight to my room. l was worried about getting him involved in all of this but I was thankful to have him here.

For some reason I found myself being able to relax around him and talk freely with him. Not to mention that when he was holding me in the studio room I felt completely safe.

I sat on my bed and he sat next to me. "Are you sure this is what you want to do"? I asked looking down. "It is. Let me help you Obito". He said placing his hand on top of him. "I can tell your hurting". I laid down and placed my head back in his lap.

He placed his hand in my hair and gently stroked it. "Try to get some rest. Your exhausted". I closed my eyes and did just that.


Iruka had decided to come home along with Xion and I after Xion asked him too. I made my way over to the bar I had in my kitchen and fixed myself a drink. "The three of us need to talk". Xion said. "About what"? I asked sipping on my drink.

"Your dads idea got me thinking about something. It's been awhile since you and I had a third partner". "I know, we talked about that the other day.....oh". "Mhm". "The two of you are poly"? Iruka asked.

"We have been since we were fifteen". Xion said. "How will the three of us being in a fake relationship benefit Obito and Kakashi"? "That's the thing, it won't be fake". I said. "It won't"? "Nope, Xion and I really like you". "Y you do"? He asked blushing.

"Mhm.The decisions up to you though. We don't want you to do anything you don't feel comfortable with". "N No, it's fine. I don't mind seeing where this goes". Xion and I both smiled at that.

Word Count. 1268

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