Where Are You Part 8

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Please pretend she has black hair and silver bangs


My blood was boiling as I sat in my office. I couldn't believe what had happened yesterday. Not only had Kakashi Hatake came out of hiding after I had Orochimaru experiment on him, he had the nerve to talk back to me in my own office.

On top of that, he even brainwashed his husband into cutting ties with three of the five great nations. Everyone knows the hidden leaf village is the one with the more money and more plentiful supplies.

Without them, the hidden cloud won't have half of the resources it already has. I should've never trusted someone to do my work for me. I should've been there overseeing the ritual and taken him to the hidden cloud as soon as it was over. No worries though. I know exactly how to get Obito to do what I want.

"Omoi. Karui". I said as I sat in my chair facing the window. They were the only ones in the room with me. "Yes sir". They said in unison. "I need the two of you to retrieve a child for me and bring her here. Her names Sina Uchiha".

"Um with all due respect sir. What could you possibly want with lord Hokages daughter? Not to mention how fairly young she is". Omoi asked. "She's going to play a major role in bringing peace back between the hidden leaf and hidden cloud".

"I would never judge your leadership sir but don't you think taking her will make matters worse"? Karui asked. "I assure you both that everything will be fine. Use a teleportation scroll to make your journey faster".

"Hai sir". I smirked as I heard the door open and close.

This is what happens when you choose to mess with me Kakashi


I was smiling as I helped grandpa Hashi plant flowers in his garden. Ace and Storm were inside playing a board game but I wasn't interested in that. I wanted to play outside. Grandpa Madara was at work so I couldn't practice shuriken training with him like I wanted to but I wasn't complaing.

I love grandpa hashi just as much as him not to mention that he's a much better teacher then my sensei at the academy. The real reason we were gardening was to help take my mind off things. I was really worried about my dad, especially since papa's still missing. I don't want to lose him to.

"Everythings going to be fine my dear". Grandpa hashi said in a soft gentle voice. "But what if daddy goes missing as well"? He smiled. "I know this is going to sound like I'm biased but it's the truth.
Your dad is mine and Grandpa Mada's son.

He is anything but weak. Heck he's the current Hokage. I assure you he will be just fine not to mention Uncle Stone went along with him. Those two are unstoppable together. I should know I helped train them".

"What about papa"? He continued to smile softly. "I helped train him as well not only that but I also raised him as one of my own after your grandfather Sakumo passed. I assure you he is completely fine wherever he is and that he will return to you, your dad and brothers soon".

"I hope your right". "I always am. How about I go fix some raspberry lemonade for us"? He asked smiling at me now. "Yes please". I said smiling up at him. He gently patted my head then stood up and walked over to his berry bush.

He picked a few fresh raspberries then made his way inside while I continued to pull out weeds. The next thing I knew everything went dark.

When I finally came to I found myself in a dark room. Their was very little light inside but what I could tell was that I was strapped to a table and that their were also a few machines around but what scared me the most was when I looked over to my left and found a very big wolf glaring at me. The most shocking thing was that it had ten tails.

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