My Jinjuriki Lover Part 7

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When do you plan on telling him? You can't keep it a secret forever

I know. I'm going to tell him today. He deserves to know the truth

It's about time

Don't start siro

You know it's the truth

Yeah, I also know you only want what's best for me

Exactly and that's Obito

I've always known that but there's a chance he might not feel the same

Don't tell me you had only planned on telling him about me

Originally yes

Kakashi Hatake


Tell the man already before someone takes him from you


I left my house and immediately headed towards the Uchiha district. Over the years I've learned to get use to the judgemental looks people gave me, it still hurt but not as much. I didn't need their approval. I didn't need anyone's approval except for Obito's.

"There you are senpai". I sighed mentally. "What is it Tenzo? I'm kinda busy at the moment". "Is that any way to speak to a friend"? "Your more of an acquaintance then a friend". "That's not true and you know it".

"Please just tell me what you want so I can be on my way". "So impatient but fine. I'm here to tell you that you need to pack your things and head to my place". "Why on earth would I do that when I have a home of my own"?

"Because the two of us are going to be living together from now on. Your my new fiancée". He said smirking. "Like hell I'am". "So your going to defy the Hokage"? "He never told me anything about this". "You calling me a liar"? "I'am. I know your not trustworthy".

"You do realize the only reason I'm here is to keep you in check"? "That dosent mean I have to live with you. I have complete control over Siro, he's not a danger to anyone". "It's not him we're worried about".

"I'm not a threat to anyone either". "I don't know that". "Then you clearly haven't been paying attention the last eight years". "This is the way things are going to be from now on. You will only leave the house when given my permission, Only speak when spoken to, have my dinner prepared every night and on top of all of the you will no longer have any contact with Obito or Rin".

"No, what do you mean no"? "Your not going to control my life. I'm not some puppet you can do whatever the hell you want with it. I'm a human being just like you are". "Your a freak". "Obito dosent seem to think so nor does Rin. Those are the only opinions I care about. Not yours".

He made hand signs and made wooden planks come at me. I instinctively dodged them easily by jumping on top of a roof. I wasn't at all suprised that people started to crowd around us and talk amongst themselves.

"Your causing a scene. Just come down already and we'll go home". "Or you could just leave me the hell alone and let me be on with my day". "Not going to happen. You need someone to keep you tamed". "Im plenty tamed. Your the only thing pissing me off right now".

He glared at me and reached his hand out towards me. I jumped back but he managed to scrap my leg with one of his wooden fingers. It didn't hurt so I didn't pay it any mind. He tried grabbing me again but I jumped back dodging his attack again.

Use my chakra

I can't. I don't want to accidentally hurt anyone. Besides this way it'll make him look like the bad guy more. He's the one attacking me.

You know that won't matter

It's the best I got right now. I'm not going to play into their hands

He jumped up to where I was and aimed yet another wodden attack at me. I still managed to dodge it. I knew I couldn't afford for things to keep going on like this. I knew I needed to get away from him and find a place to hide out for awhile.

I guess he knew what I was thinking that's why he was able to hit me in the back with a wooden plank the second I jumped up to escape. I ended up hitting the ground hard. He made more hand signs and wodden vines attacked my legs.

The vines stung as they hit my legs over and over. I didn't let that stop me though. I continued to run away from him to try and find shelter. He had somehow managed to wrap a vine around me and throw me against the wall.

My whole body hurt but I did my best to endure it. I managed to break free of my restraints and take out one of my smoke bombs. I threw it on the ground and made a B line for Rin's house while the smoke was still in the air.

I ran and ran until I finally arrived at her house. I banged on her door and panted hard while waiting for her to answer the door. "Kakashi"? She asked worried after seeing the state I was currently in. "P please, I just need a place to lay down".

"Come inside". She helped me inside and gently laid me on the couch. "I'll be right back". She left and came back with a first aid kit. She patched me up then sat next to me.

"What happened"? She asked softly while sitting on the coffee table"". "Tenzo, he wants to marry me so he can control me". "Why does he want to do that"? "There's something I've been keeping from you and Obito. When we were twelve sensei had me kidnapped and turned into a jinjuriki.

The only reason Tenzo and his sister are here is so they can restrain me if I ever went against the village". "Why didn't you tell us sooner"? "The whole village hates me, I didn't want the two of you to hate me as well". "That could never happen.

Obito and I care about you so much". "There's no way out of this for me". "Sure there is, marry Obito instead". She said smiling. "What"? "You heard me, it's time to confess your feelings to him". "What if he rejects me"? "He won't, I promise".

Word Count. 1073

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