Rescued By The Mafia Part 2

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I didn't want to leave but knew I had to. If I was gone too long dad would get mad and send one of the guards after me. I didn't want that. I also didn't want to run the chance of them hurting Obito. He was the only friend I had, I didn't want dad to ruin that for me.

Obito's a secret I'll need to keep away from him forever. After I said goodbye to him I headed straight home, snuck my way into the house, and headed straight for my room. When I left dad was getting ready for a meeting and luckily for me he was still in it.

I made my way quietly to my room, closed the door, and grabbed her picture before sitting on my bed. I smiled as I looked at her kind smile and eyes staring back at me. It was the only picture I had of her but I didn't care, I would treasure this picture forever.

"Hey mom, I turned eight today. It started off bad but slowly turned ok. I made a friend, his names Obito. He saw me crying in the forest and did his best to cheer me up. He actually brought me to a cafe and got me chocolate cake, it was really good.

I wish you could've had a piece, I also wish you could've met him. He's really nice and promised he'd always be my friend. He said that his family is big on promises and never breaks any of them. I don't know if you sent him my way or not but if you did thank you. I love you".

"Kakashi come down here now"! "I have to go, mom, Dad's calling me". I quickly kissed her forehead before placing it back on my nightstand and rushing downstairs to where my dad was at waiting for me. As soon as I saw him I was met with a scowl as he glared down at me.

"Y yes sir"? "Where were you? Why did you leave the house"? "I I went out to the forest". "Did you have permission from me? I know dam well none of my guards went with you". I looked down. "No sir I didn't". I was immediately met with a slap to the face.

"Then why the hell did you go out!? Did you go to one of my rivals? Was it the Uchiha's? Did you tell them where I was and what it is I'm doing"? "N no sir, I would never". "I want to believe you Kakashi, I really do".

"I have no reason to lie to you, father". "Yet you always do. You're always going out on your own and doing things you're not supposed to, your mother would be so disappointed in you". I looked down. "But there is a way you can make up for all your wrongdoings".


"I'm going to take you to the mountains, there you'll be tasked with proving your worth to me". "How father"? "You'll find out when we get there, now go and pack your things". I nodded and went to do as told.

The ride was long and lasted a few days. The entire time I said nothing and just rode in the back. He was already mad at me I didn't want to make things worse. I just wanted to make things right and try to get home as fast as I could to see Obito again.

It's been days, he probably thinks something bad happened to me. He must be worried sick not knowing what's going on or if I'm ok or not. Why wouldn't he be? The first time he saw me I was crying and now I've disappeared without a word. He doesn't even know my last name so how could he look for me properly?

When the car came to a stop, I picked up my head. We had made it to the mountains and were currently in front of a big building. I didn't know what was going on but I didn't like the feeling this place was giving off at all. I wanted to go home. I wanted to see Obito".

"Get out".

I did as told and followed him inside. Inside everyone greeted him. He was the leader of the Fang Mafia and respected by all members and feared by many. I'm heir to this empire and have been learning about it since I was old enough to go to school.

I continued to keep quiet as I followed him onto an elevator. A few seconds later the doors slid open and I became scared as I saw a lab with a bunch of machines and wires. In the corner far away from everything was a gigantic wolf with red eyes. He was lying down but if he were to stand he would be at least ten feet if not higher. I really really didn't want to be here anymore.

"Finally decided to bring your punk ass back here Sakumo? Are you finally going to man up and do your own dirty work for once or are you going to bring me another pathetic sacrifice"? The wolf spoke.  I tried to make myself small and stay out of this but my dad grabbed me by my shirt and brought me further into the room.

"This is my son Kakashi, the day has finally come for him to prove himself to me". I looked at him completely scared. He eyed me up and down, I didn't know what he was thinking but it was clear he wasn't happy.

"Have you no shame? He's a child"? "Don't care, I can do whatever I want with my son". I was thrown onto the table and strapped down soon after. "Dad please don't! I promise I'll behave more, I won't ever cause you any more problems. Just please don't let him hurt me". Tears were in my eyes as I looked at him. "Shut up". Those were the last words I heard before everything went dark.

When I came to I could feel the tears I was crying slowly roll down my face. I didn't know what had happened to me or where my dad was, I could no longer sense him in the room. All I knew was that I was scared. I didn't know what was going on and just wanted to go home.

Are you ok kid? you're not in too much pain, are you?

W who are you? What's going on?

I'm the wolf from earlier, my names Siro. Your father turned you into my jinjuriki


So he can use my powers to help him. For years he's been trying to trap me inside a host but I never allowed him to

Why me then

Because it's obvious you need to be protected. While you were asleep I went through your memories, I know everything that's going on

I'm sorry

You have nothing to apologize for pup, if I didn't want to help you I wouldn't have

I'm not alone anymore

No kakashi

Thank you, thank you

"I see you've serviced the experiment". Dad said walking in. I lifted my head a little to look at him. "D did I do good"? He made his way over to me and ruffled my hair a little. "Very good, you've made your mother and I very proud". "Mom would have wanted this"? "Yes, she wanted you to grow into a strong man". I nodded.

"You'll have to be much more careful going forward from now on though". "Why's that"? "You're a jinjuriki now, a lot of people will hate you for no reason at all. You can't trust anyone but me. There will be people who will want to use you or kill you".

Does that mean I can't be friends with Obito anymore?

I want to say he's lying but unfortunately, he's not

I'll still have you though, right?

Yes Kakashi, always

Word Count: 1337

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