Stone Xion And Iruka How We Met

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This was requested by @KayKayprincess1


"Stone come downstairs please". I called from downstairs while his brother Shisui slept in my lap. It was just the three of us home. Madraa was at work and Obito and Hibiki were out playing while Shisui stayed home with me. He hadn't been feeling good for a few days and I didn't want him out in the cold considering it was snowing. "Coming"!

I could hear the sound of small feet making their way over to me and looked over at him once he was in the room. "How's Shi doing"? "Not good, I need you to go to the pharmacy and get some medicine for me ok, make sure you put on warm clothes".

"Yes sir". He was only five but I knew he'd be able to handle it.


I dressed myself in a dark red sweater with black pants, black boots, a cozy white jacket, and a matching white scarf before leaving and heading towards the pharmacy. The snow was falling softly in the air but the snow on the ground was thick. A crunching noise could be heard underneath my boots with every step I made.

I had to work hard not to get distracted and start jumping around in the snow. My baby brother was sick right now and my papa was counting on me to get the medicine he needed.

I headed straight for the pharmacy without stopping. A few people said hi to me as I walked passed them, I waved back and didn't stop until I saw the medium-sized shop with the words Leaf Pharmacy in the window.

"Hi there Stone, all by yourself today". One of the workers Lia asked. "Yes ma'am, I need some cold medicine for Shisui". "Oh no, I hope he feels better soon". She headed into the back and came back out with a box of medicine.

"Thank you, he'll start to feel better soon after taking this. How much"? "Go ahead and take it, honey, the head doctor wanted it after all". I nodded. "Thank you again". She placed it in a bag for me and I headed out. I had planned on going straight home but that didn't happen. From the corner of my eye, I could see a boy around the same age as me getting beat up.

Without a second thought, I ran over to where he was and started attacking his attackers. I kicked and punched each of the boys that were on top of him until they either had a broken nose or sprained arm.

"Why help a nobody like him Uchiha"? One of them asked. "Beating up on people for no reason isn't right now get out of here before I call my dad". At the mention of my father Madara, their eyes widened in shock before running off to their homes.

I turned around to look at the kid they were attacking, he had black hair and dark green eyes that were filled with fear. "It's ok, they're not gonna hurt you anymore". I smiled. "W why did you help me"? "Because you needed help, I'm Stone". "X Xion". "Wanna come to my house? My papa makes amazing hot chocolate".

"I is it ok"? "Of course". I took his hand and helped him onto his feet before walking off with him in the direction of my house. Once there I walked through the front door with him and headed upstairs to where papa was with Shisui.

"Im back papa". "Thanks love, who's your friend"? "My names Xion sir". "A bunch of bullies were ganging up on him so I ran over to help, can we have hot chocolate"? He smiled. "Of course my love". He placed the medicine on Shisui's nightstand for when he woke up and headed to the kitchen with us behind him.

When the hot chocolate was done he decorated it with whipped cream, marshmallows, and chocolate syrup. We sat together at the counter and I smiled as Xion enjoyed his treat. "Yummy"! "Told you".

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