Let Me Help You Part 1

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This was requested by @LOnely_Uchiha


My heart was pounding fast as I ran after the man Stone and I were after. His name is Kenny Thomson. He's wanted for rape and murder in four of the five nations. He's killed multiple women so he can have his way with them without putting up a fight. He disgusts me to no end.

When we found him drinking at a bar he took off right away. Stone and I split up so we could corner him from both ends. He was fast but I had my sharingan activated allowing me to see any movements he would make.

I was right behind him as we ran through main street. He threw things behind him to try and slow me down but it was no use. I was able to jump over all of the chairs, barrels, tables, and boxes he threw on the ground.

I took pride in it actually. My whole life I have been athletic, agile, and fast. Uncle Tobirama even told me at the age of sixteen that I was almost as fast as him. I loved this ability more than anything, because of it I was able to help my father Madara catch multiple suspects and escape criminals.

After the first time I helped him catch a bad guy was the same day he started my training for the police force. I was five.

I could tell he was starting to get tired. His running was starting to become frantic meaning he was pushing himself to run faster. We had been running for a good thirty minutes so I wasn't surprised. Me on the other hand I could run multiple hours without getting tired.

I faked it. I made it look like I gave up causing him to feel relief. When he least expected it I ran towards him at full speed and tackled him to the ground hard. He squirmed underneath me as I forced his arms behind his back and handcuffed him.

"Kenny Thomson, your under arrest for the rape and murder of fifty-five women throughout four of five of the great nations. You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney, if you cannot afford one one will be appointed to you. Do you understand your rights as I have explained them to you"? I asked as I stood him up.

"Yes you no good son of a bitch". The only bitch I see here is you". Stone said as he made his way over to us. "Good job ototo". "Thanks aniki". I smiled as Stone and I walked Kenny to the Uchiha police station once there we were immediately congratulated by everyone there.

I watched as Kenny's eyes traveled over to Mashi's putting everyone on high alert. According to the rules I was supposed to bring him to his cell without stopping but I knew everyone would want to see how this played out, not just me.

"Hey doll face, how about once I'm freed me and you can go on a date sometime"? He asked with the most disgusting smirk I had seen anyone give. Sasuke was about to get up and defend her but she gently placed her hand on his arm stopping him.

Everyone watched as she placed her tea down on the desk, stood up, and made her way over to him. "Let's get a few things understood shall we? One I wouldn't go out with you if you were the last man on the planet, your disgusting to look at and your actions are revolting.

Two, I have a wonderful nice, loving, thoughtful, compassionate, considerate, understanding, and drop-dead gorgeous girlfriend I'm madly in love with, why the hell would I leave her for your crusty dusty ass? Three, You reack. When was the last time you had a bath? Three months ago?

And lastly number four. This isn't the eighteen and nineteen hundreds anymore. Women don't respond well to men who try to hit on them by disrespecting them. It's no wonder you had to rap all of those innocent women. They probably told your ugly ass no and you couldn't handle being rejected.

Women are not tools for you to do with as you fucking, please. We do not cook and clean for any man except the ones we choose to be with and if we do it's only because we have mutual respect between each other. Men like you are the reason I'm fucking glad to be a proud lesbian". She gave him one final look before kicking him in the balls.

"That's my girl"! Dad said proudly as we all laughed. I grabbed Kenny by the back of his shirt and walked him downstairs to the cells. When I found the dirtiest one they had I opened it, threw him in, and closed it.

"Make yourself at home, your gonna be here awhile Kenny boy". I smirked as I made my way back upstairs. "Obito, how about you and me go grab a drink to celebrate? I know you could probably use one or two". Stone asked. "Are you sure aniki? What about Xion and Iruka" ?

"I just called them, they're fine with it"? "Alright but only a few". "Sounds good".

It probably would've made more since to just drive to the bar in one car but Stone and I ended up driving their in our own cars. Why? I have no clue it just made sense at the time to the both of us. Once inside we took a seat next to each other and ordered our drinks. A vodka tonic for me, a gin and tonic for him. The bartender took our orders and came back with our drinks shortly after.

"Thank you for suggesting this Stone, I needed it". I said before taking a sip. "I can tell. What's going on with you"? "Amethyst". I took another sip. Amethyst was my girlfriend of three years. I got together with her shortly after the Rin incident. "What's going on between the two of you now"?

"Nothing I do ever seems to be enough for her. This morning I made her a full breakfast but she got mad at me because I wasn't able to sit down and eat with her. I didn't even make food for myself because I knew I had to be to work early".

"Did she know that"? "She did. I told her I was working on this case with you and how important solving it was but she told me she didn't want to talk about anything depressing so I stopped bringing it up".

"Did she forget she's dating a cop? Some of us need to talk about the kinds of things we see otherwise it could ruin us mentally". "I know". I took another sip. "I don't like this Obito, you need to end things with her. She's not making you happy".

"I can't. She's the only thing that's able to take the pain away". I said tearing up. "Obi". He scooted closer to me gently placing his hand on my back. "Rin wouldn't want to see you miserable. She would want you happy and with someone that loves you".

"She does love me aniki. She just has a different way of showing it". "Still, I think it's best if I spend the night at your house. I'll call Xion and Iruka and let them know about everything that's happening. Then me and you can get in bed together and I'll hold you like I used to do when we were kids. Sound good"? "Yeah". "Let's go ototo, I'll drive".

"Weren't you drinking"? He shook his head no. He helped me up to my feet and walked me out to his car. I laid back against the passenger seat as he started to back out.

"Go ahead and fall asleep, I'm right here with you. I know your exhausted". I closed my eyes and did as told. Stone and I never made it to my house that night. The last thing I remember was hearing a loud crash.

Word Count. 1374

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