Rescued By The Mafia Part 11

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My head was foggy as I came to. I opened my eyes to take in my surroundings but didn't have to. I knew exactly where I was and exactly who it was that had taken me. The door opened but I didn't give him the stasifacition of having me look him in the eyes. I didn't owe him anything, not after everything he's done.

"Welcome home Kakashi". I said nothing. "Did you enjoy your time away from home? From what I've heard youve gotten really close to Obito Uchiha, Madara's third eldest if I'm right.

Tell me. Is he just like his father? Is he a cruel mafia leader along with his older two brothers? Did they hurt you as a way of trying to get information out? My poor believed son you mustive been so scared but it's ok, your home now".

"No I'm not". I muttered. "What was that"? "I'm not home, if I were home you wouldn't have me chained to a fucking wall. I would be in my room but even my room feels like a cage. The only source of comfort I have here are Siro and moms picture. You don't give a dam about me you never have. I'm just a puppet you can control and use however you like but not anymore father. I'm not going to do as you say anymore".

"Do you honestly think the Uchiha's will take you in? Your my son remember? If they hate me they'll surely hate you. I'm the only family you have. The fangs are the only family you have".

"Id rather be alone forever then. I want nothing more to do with Fang or you". I was met with a punch to the gut which Siro immediately healed. "We'll see how long this new found confidence lasts". He walked out and Tenzo walked in but I wasn't scared of him either.


When I came to I was alone on the sidewalk we had both been on. Immediately I got up and started searching for him when I realized he was no longer by my side. I searched and searched but he was nowhere in the town and I knew he wouldn't go back to the mansion without me.

"What's going on Obito it's late"? Stone said through the earpiece I was wearing after I called him. "Call everyone and have them head to the house it's an emergency". "Is this about Kakashi"? "It is".

Hibiki, Stone and I all stood infront of everyone. To my surprise everyone had came and quickly at that. "What's going on you three"? Uncle Izuna asked. "Kakashi and I were just attacked and I have reason to believe it was Fang, when I came to Kakashi was no longer by my side".

"And you think Sakumo took him"? Hibiki asked. "I don't think so I know. You and Stone heard him yourself, he's been abusing him since he was a kid. If he hadn't met me he wouldn't have any sense of hope nor would he know what it feels like to be comforted. Siro and I did that for him. I'm not going to leave him in that hell hole".

"What do you need"? Xion asked. "Shisui, you and Itachi will take the vans and survey the area. Hack into all of their cameras and find out where they have him. Sasuke, you and Mashi will handel the guards along with Hibiki and Stone, after that the three of you will help the rest of us look for and bring him home".

"Yes sir".

"Any sign of him"? I asked from where I was sitting at in the van. "Mostly quiet right now. There are a bunch of quards but their either guarding the front and back or walking around minding their business". Shisui said.

"Sakumo"? "He's in his office but you can easily tell he looks annoyed". Itachi said. I pressed the button on my earpiece. "Go ahead". I watched as Hibiki and Stone took off along wile Sasuke and Mashi trailed behind. Mashi shot a dart into the necks of the two front guards giving me the chance to rush inside and search for him.

Once inside I was immediately attacked by guards. Two came at me but I managed to place them both under a genjutsu before slicing the next two with my sword. One of them tried to attack me from behind but I managed to grab hold of his arm and slam him to the ground hard before stabbing him in the chest.

I picked up my head and noticed that Sasuke and Mashi had both taken out the two guards that were ahead of me. I nodded at them and took off further down the hall. I searched each room I came across but he was no where to be seen.

I can sense Siro. Keep heading straight and turn right

I did as told. The closer I got the stronger the smell of blood became. My senses were on high alert but once I got into the room he was in I was both shocked and proud. Kakashi was in his tailed beast form. Wolf marks decorated his eyes, his nails were now sharp claws and had eight tails flowing behind them.

The guy he was fighting had a weird head piece on and short brown hair with matching eyes. Normally I would jump in and help but it was obvious Kakashi didn't need it. I just stood back and watched.

"You think he'll want you? Your nothing but a damaged dog that cowers before his master". The brown haired idiot said. Kakashi glared at him and sent two tails at him. He managed to dodge one but the second smacked him hard sending him into the wall. "You don't know a dam thing about him so don't go around talking like you do".

"You haven't spent that much time with each other". "It doesn't matter. I know Obito loves me. I know he'd do anything for me". "How the hell can you be so sure"? "Because he kept his promise to me.

When we saw each other after years of being apart he held me in his arms instead of hitting me. He never once was mad I went after his dads and that's because he believes me when I say I never wanted to".

"Oh please, your daddy's golden errand boy". "Not anymore. He doesn't control me anymore and neither do you. The only good thing he's done for me is give me Siro". All eight of his tails formed a beast bomb before launching them at the idiot and killing him instantly.

Seconds later Kakashi turned back to normal and I caught him before he collapsed to the floor. "Are you ok"? "Y yeah, just not used to that form yet". I picked him up and held him bridal style.

"You came". "Of course I did. I wasn't going to leave you here. Did they hurt you"? "I'll be fine, I just wanna go home". He said laying his head against my shoulder. I nodded and set the house on fire before kamuing us outside where the others were.

"Obito, dads on the phone". Stone said walking over. I took it and put it on speaker.

Me: Yes sir

Dad: Is Kakashi with you

Me: Yes sir he is

I put the phone on speaker.

Dad: Kakashi, let me be one of the firsts to welcome you to the family.

Kashi: Thank you sir

Papa: We'll be home in a few weeks. Behave boys

Me and my older brothers chuckled.

Word Count: 1277

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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