Kakashi Of The Akatsuki Part 7

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After talking to papa Xion, Iruka and I made our way back to Konoha. I kamuied the three of us back to our house and left immensely to find Fugaku. We didn't live that far away from the main house considering Fugaku liked to keep me close by.

I don't know why he was so obsessed with me but I'm starting to guess it had to do with my father Madara. "Do you want our help"? Xion asked. "No, I need to handle this myself. Just stand back and watch". "Alright". Iruka said.

Once we made it there I immediately took notice of Sasuke and Mashi training as Itachi watched them. From the looks of things, they had been training for a while. Both their hair was wet from sweating and were both panting slightly.

Sasuke formed the hand signs for another fire attack but I went over to him, placed my hand on his shoulder, and stopped him. "Stone". He said confused to see me. "That's enough, your both running low on chakra". He nodded his head.

"Why are you here"? Itachi asked. "I came to take the three of you home". "What are you talking about"? Mashi asked. "Fugaku and Mikoto aren't your parents, Madara Uchiha and Hashirama Senju are".

"What are you talking about? Of course they are". Itachi said. "Think about it Ita. Mashi looks nothing like either of them, that's because me and her both look like the first Hokage who is also our papa".

"If that's true then what about me and aniki"? "Your also their kids but that's not all. We have another brother named Shisui, three cousins named Shadow, Kana, and Sayumi and Obito is also your brother".

"Obito's dead though". Mashi said. "I thought so too but that's not the case. Papa found him, healed him, and took care of him". "Why didn't he come home"? Sasuke asked. "Because he and papa both want revenge for our dad.

He and our Uncle Izuna sacrificed themselves so papa and the others could get to safety. That's also how he found Obito". "How do you know all of this to be true"? Itachi asked. "Obito told me so himself. Not only me but Kakashi as well. The two of them are together again".

They went silent.

"I thought I heard you out here Stone. What do I owe the pleasure"? Fugaku said making his way outside with Mikoto. "I want to talk to you about my father". "Stone I know losing Obito has made you more anxious to know about where you came from but you're better off not knowing".

"Why? Is it because you don't want to admit your the reason he had to abandon me and Obito or is it because you don't want Itachi, Sasuke, and Mashi to know that they're my younger siblings and that you kidnapped them"?

"What are you talking about"? "Cut the bullshit I know the truth". I said using wood style on him. I made wooden planks emerge from the ground and wrap their way around him. His eyes widened in shock and all Mikoto could do was stand there and watch.

"Don't look so surprised, you knew I was Hashirama's son after all. Obito and I both have been practicing our wood style behind your back for years". "Stone, let me explain". "I don't want to hear a dam thing from you. All you and lord third do is lie".

I made more hand signs and made wooden planks wrap around Mikoto. "The four of us lost our father because of you. We'll never get to see him because of what you did. Tell them his name". He said nothing. I clenched my hands together tighter making Mikoto let out a loud scream.

"Madara. Your father's name is Madara Uchiha. Mikoto and I took the five of you from them along with lord third because they were unfit parents", I let him go and kicked him in the stomach making him hit the gate wall hard.

"How the hell would you know!? That decision wasn't for you to make! You didn't just mess with their lives but you also messed with ours! I can't count the nights Obito and I cried in each other's arms because we thought we were unloved and unwanted. I'll never forgive you for what you did to us and our papa".

"Wood style, wooden spikes". Wooden spears appeared from the ground, made their way into the air then immediately made their way to Fugaku piercing his body and killing him. I put my hands together again and made the wooden planks that were holding Mikoto squeeze her to death.

Sasuke and Mashi immediately ran to me giving me a hug.

The six of us immediately made our way to the Hokage building after leaving the Uchiha estate. We made our way down the long hallway and walked right into his office. I didn't feel like knocking, this man lost all the respect I had for him after I learned the truth.

"Stone, what's the meaning of this"? "I just killed Fugaku and Mikoto now it's your turn". "What could have possibly possessed you to do something so hanses"? "No. What could posses you to let the village treat my father the way they did"?

"Your father"? "Madara Uchiha". "That man is evil. You and Obito were better off without him". "What about our papa Hashirama"? "Him as well. Neither of them were fit to raise you. Madara brainwashed lord first by convincing him to marry him".

"You homophobic bastard! Just because their both men dosent mean they wouldn't be good parents! Do you have any idea of the hell me and my siblings had to go through because of what you fucking did to our family"!?

Vines sprouted out of the ground, picked him up and threw him against the wall. "We we're just kids. We needed them and they needed us. What kind of person would be ok with taking new borns away from their parents"!? I aked with angry tears in my eyes.

"How stupid to you think I'am? Did you honestly think I wouldn't fucking figure it out"!? "Madara was a menace to everyone. He didn't understand the concept of love. All he knew how to do was take".

"If that's true my papa would've never fucking married him you stupid piece of shit. Just because you have no one to love you dosen't give you the right to mess with other people's lives but none of that matters now. I'm going to make you pay for the pain you caused my parents and younger siblings".

I activated my mangekyou to manipulate the vines even further. I made them tear into his body causing him to bleed out as all of his organs got destroyed.

Now all Obito has to do is become the ten tails jinjuriki so papa can come home

I thought to myself as Xion and Iruka made their way over to me and took me into their arms. This is what I loved about them. I didn't have to tell them when I needed to be comforted they just knew.

You can sleep well now dad. I'll make sure papa's taken care of. I love you

Word Count. 1218

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