So Close Yet So Far Part 1

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In dream

Tears were streaming down my face as I watched Obito laying crushed under a boulder. He had pushed me out of the way so I wouldn't get hurt. "Kakashi". He called out to me in a low weak voice. "Yeah Obito, I'm here". I said holding his free hand.

Obito and I were boyfriends but not many people knew that, just Rin and sensei. "You weren't hurt were you"? "No, I'm fine". "Thank goodness. What about you Rin"? "I'm fine as well Obi". She was trying her best not to cry.

"Where's sensei"? "He's on his way I promise. You just gotta hold on a little longer, everything's going to be ok". I said holding his hand tight as tears filled my eyes. "I don't think it will. I can feel myself starting to slip away".

"Don't talk like that! I'm right here, I promise I won't let anything happen to you. Your gonna be ok". My tears were falling at this point. "Rin, promise me something". "Yes Obito"? "Take care of Kakashi for me, he's gonna need you". "I promise".

"Obito". I choked. He let go of my hand and cupped my cheek instead. "I wish the two of us could've had more time together but I don't regret it. You made me so happy, I couldn't ask for a better friend or boyfriend. Promise me something. Promise me you'll keep fighting".

"I don't know if I can"? I whispered. "Your stronger than you know Kashi, I will always love you". "I'll always love you too". Rumbling could be heard coming from the rocks. "They're about to cave in, it's time for the two of you to go". "Obito". "It's gonna be ok Kakashi". He said smiling.

I felt Rin grab my hand and take me out of the pit we were just in. I fell to my knees as I watched the rocks cave in and crush the love of my life. I let out a painful scream, Rin did her best to console me but it didn't work, she's not the one I wanted holding me.

I felt a different kind of stinging sensation in my left eye and cried more realizing what Obito had done.

End of dream

I woke up with a jolt. I sat straight up in my bed as I thought back to the bad dream I had, it was more of a bad memory if you ask me. That was seventeen years ago but I still haven't been able to move passed it. Even though everyone thinks I have. Without looking I grabbed a picture frame off my nightstand and looked at it teary-eyed.

It was a picture of me and Obito a week before the mission. I was looking to the side shyly while Obito had his big closed eye smile on his face. I placed my hand over it and let my tears fall.

"I miss you so much Obito. So much has happened since you left. I'm trying to stay strong but it's hard when I have no one to talk to about how I'm feeling. Everyone keeps saying I'll eventually move on and the pain will go away but how can that possibly happen when you're the other half of me"? ". I  held the picture close to me and cried silently.

After I eventually calmed down I got up, washed my face, brushed my teeth, hopped in the shower then got out, dressed myself, and headed out. Team seven didn't have training today so I didn't have to worry about them. I cared about them deeply but I needed today to myself.

I walked with my hands in my pockets as I walked around aimlessly. I didn't know where I was going nor did I care. I just knew I couldn't stay at home all day. Everywhere I went it seemed like I saw nothing but couples interacting with each other.

It felt like a sharp stab to my heart every time I heard someone tell their partner they loved them or I saw a mother with her kids. If I had things my way Obito and I would be married and have a few kids running around. I'm a jinjuriki, I can give him that but I guess it'll never happen. I'll forever be alone.


I watched from afar as Kakashi walked alone. I so badly wanted to go to him and walk beside him. I wanted to hold his hand and see him smile up at me. I never got to see what he looked like under that mash but I didn't care. He was beautiful to me regardless.

I had hoped he would be able to move on after my alleged death but I'm glad he didn't. I know it's selfish but I only want him to be mine, no one else. The two of us belong together. We were meant to be together but our future was taken from us.

I'm no longer the same Obito he grew up with. I'm a criminal. I can't allow him to become a part of this world. He deserves better than what I can give him. He deserves better than me, I know this but I still can't help but find myself being selfish.

"What I wouldn't give to have you in my arms. I would do anything to be able to talk to you again my silver".

"Obito". My twin called out to me. "Yeah Stone". I asked with my eyes still focused on Kakashi". "We have a mission". "Jinjuriki related"? "No, dad and papa want us to go looking for new requites". "What do they want that for"? "The hell if I know. Is that him"? "It is and before you get any bright ideas the answer is no. I don't want him a part of this".

"I can tell your suffering". "It doesn't matter. He doesn't need to be involved with a criminal".

That night I went to bed early. I had time to go check on Kakashi one last time for the day but I was exhausted. While out Stone and I were spotted and had ended up fighting for a while. We gave our report to our dads and that was it. I was about to turn out my light when I heard a knock at my door.

"Come in".


It was my papa.

He made his way over to me and sat beside me on the bed. "Stone told me you saw Kakashi today". "I see him every day". "Yes but do you talk to him"? "You know I can't". "Why not"? "Were criminals papa. I can't give him what he deserves". "I understand where you're coming from baby but that's his decision to make not yours".

"I don't wanna hurt him papa". I said in a low voice. "I know you don't. I also know the situation you're in that's why I need to tell you this. One of your mangekyou abilities gives you the power to inter the mind of your soul mate and communicate with them".

"Are you saying what I think you're saying"? "I am. The decision is yours to make but I think it's worth a try at least. I know you miss him".

Word Count. 1226

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