Transgender Male

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This was requested by InuamaSenjuGoddess


I was laying in bed staring up at the ceiling. My dad was out at the moment. I was kinda glad about that to be honest. Things have been tense between us for a while. There's something I've been wanting to talk to him about for a while now.

I think he can feel that I want to talk to him about something important. That's why he's been trying to get me to talk to him even though I wasn't ready at the time. What I have to tell him isn't an easy topic to talk about. I don't know how he'll take it. I turned on my side and wrapped my arms around me.

Should I talk to Obito about this first? Maybe if I do I can have him sit with me while I talk to my father but what if he doesn't take it well either? The last thing I want is for him to hate me.

"Kimi, I'm home"! I heard my father call from downstairs. I got out of bed and headed downstairs to meet him. "Welcome home father. How was your day"? "It was good for the most part but I think it's time you and I sat down and had a talk don't you think"?

"Y yes sir". I said looking down. He walked off heading into the kitchen and I followed behind him. He let his hair down as he sat down at the table and I sat next to him. "What have you been keeping from me? I can tell there's something bothering you".

"There is something that's been on my mind but I don't know how you'll take it". "I'm your father Kimi. You can talk to me about anything". " I I don't feel comfortable in my skin". "What do you mean by that"? "I don't know, it just feels like there's something wrong. I don't think or feel the way other girls my age think or feel".

"Maybe you should try hanging out with them more. What about Rin and Kurenai"? "I've tried that but all they like to talk about is makeup and clothes and most of the time when we go out to do something fun it involves shopping.

I don't like to shop at the stores they shop at. None of the clothes interest me". "How do they not interest you"? "For starters they're pink. You know I don't like pink".  "You like the clothes I buy you". I went silent. "Kimi"?

"I only wear them to make you happy. I don't feel comfortable in them at all". "Ok we can change your style up if you want. What kind of clothes do you want to wear"? "Boy clothes". "Not happening . You're a girl. Your going to wear the clothes made for girls".

"But dad". "No buts. Your a girl, your going to wear the appropriate clothes made for girls". "Yes sir". I said looking down. "I love you". "I love you too". He stood up, kissed my head, and headed into the kitchen to cook.

A week later I was getting ready to meet up with team Minato. We were going on a mission today and I needed to prepare for it. I dressed in my ninja attire which consisted of a long sleeve shirt with a short sleeve on top of it, black pants and ninja sandals.

I had a weapons belt around my waist with the necessary medical supplies and weapons that I had well hidden. Before putting my shirts on I had wrapped bandages around my chest so I could make it look like I didn't have any. I grabbed a scroll and sealed my sleeping equipment inside of it, before placing it on my hip and leaving.

I was the first one out of the three to arrive at the meeting spot. Sensei was sitting in a tree reading a book as I made my way over to him. "Your the first to arrive again I see". "Hi sensei". I said smiling before I sat down on the grass.

I wonder if sensei would understand how I'm feeling?

"I see Obito's late again". Rin said as she made her way over to us. "I'm sure there's a good reason for it. He's probably helping his dads again". "You give him to much credit Kimi. Stone's never late to his team meetings". "How would you know"? "His teammates tell me duh".

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