Where Are You Part 2

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I was in mine and Obito's room getting ready to head out for my mission while Obito cooked and got the kids ready for school. I made sure I was fully stocked up on Kuni knives, shurikens, and medical equipment. I had a katana strapped to my back and my father's dagger on my left hip.

I placed the mission scroll inside my jonin jacket and headed downstairs. "Morning my loves". I said as I made my way over to my kids and kissed each of them on the head. "Are you going on a mission papa"? Storm asked.

"I'an". "When are you gonna be back"? Sina asked. "I'm not sure but while I'm gone I want the three of you to be well behaved for daddy. Think you can do that"? They looked up at me and nodded their heads. "Good". I smiled at them then made my way over to their dad and hugged him from behind.

"I'm going to miss you". "I'm going to miss you as well but the last thing you have to worry about is me and the kids. We'll be ok until you come back". "I love you Obito". "I love you too Kashi". I kissed his cheek.

After breakfast was over I kissed the kids goodbye one more time as well as their dad before heading to the entrance gate to meet up with my team. There were only five Anbu members there but that didn't bother me. I would more than likely be doing all the work anyway.

"Your late". One of them said. He had on a bird mask, "I had last-minute business to take care of with the Hokage, I won't apologize for that". "We all know what you mean by last-minute business". "Like I said I won't apologize for saying bye to my family.

I know the severity of this mission and won't do anything to jeopardize it but going forward I would suggest you keep in mind who lord sixth put in charge of this mission and team. The only reason the five of you are here is to serve as my backup.

I have every intention of respecting the five of you but I expect the same respect back, let's go". I walked through the gate and they followed behind me.


"Have a good day at school you three, I'll be here to pick you up when it's time". I said giving them a hug before letting them go. "Ok daddy". They each gave me a kiss on the cheek then ran inside before they would be late. I smiled at them until I saw them disappear inside and headed to my office afterwards.

Once there I was greeted by both Shizune and Shikaku who both had uneasy looks on their faces. "What is it"? "The rest of the Kage have agreed to the meeting sir". Shizune said. "That's good. When is it"?  "Right now, their all on video call".

"Why now"? "They didn't feel like waiting sir". "Very well then". I made my way over to my desk, sat down and opened my laptop while Shikaku stood on my right and Shizune on my left.

Four separate screens appeared on mine reveling the Mizukage, Tsuchikage, Kazekage and Raikage. Each of them had their own advisor and secretary standing beside them as well. "Thank you for finally deciding to join us lord Hokage".

The Raikage said in an irritated voice. "Not that I have to defend myself but as most of you know I have three small kids to look after. As their father I will always prioritize them before anything not to mention that my clone was here to handle things until I did arrive".

"We had no interest in handeling business with a clone Obito". The Mizukage said. "I understand that but the four of you need to also understand that I hadn't received the details of this meeting until last minute. Instead of deciding on a future date to have this meeting you picked the very next day after I received the letter".

I said with my hands clasped together infront of me while resting my elbows on my desk. "That's because there's nothing to discuss. The reaming tailed beast will be divided between our five villages and will be put into the jinjuriki of our choosing". The Tsuchikage said pissing me off but I knew how to hide it.

I then realized Gaara hadn't said anything. The kid was good at hiding his emotions from others but I could only imagine how hard this was for him to hear. I knew he didn't want anyone else to suffer the way he and Naruto did and if I'm being honest neither did i.

"Is that how the three of you feel"? I asked referring to A, Onoki and Mei. "It is, it's what all four of us believe is best"? Mei said. "Really now. Do you also feel that way Gaara? It only makes sense to ask you personally considering you are infact a Jinjuriki".

Between all five of us Gaara and I were the ones who had the most respect for each other. I had been there for him when he was younger and he knew he could come to me for anything. I've also been the one to defend him from the other Kages so they don't try to use his age against him and intimidate him.

I know the odds of that are very low and am well aware of how independent he is but it never hurts to have someone in your corner. "No I don't. The tailed beast are not tools for us to use. They are creatures who have their own feelings and way of thinking.

Not to mention that none of them have attacked any of the villages in the five nations. It simply dosent make sense to punish them when they haven't done anything. It also dosent make sense to put that kind of a burden on innocent children. The tailed beast need to be left alone. If we respect them they will do the same for us".

"With all due respect lord Gaara, how can you be so certain"? A asked. "I'm certain of it because it worked with my own tailed best Shukaku. Neither of us liked each other at first but after having a heart to heart we've befriended each other and have a mutual respect for each other".

"Very well said lord Gaara, I also believe the tailed beast should be left alone and considering the decision to capture them has to be a unanimous one means the three of you have your answer on the subject. It was nice seeing all of you again and I hope you all have a good day". I closed my laptop and let out a sigh.

"Is it still to early for a drink". I asked sitting back in my seat with my eyes closed and arms on the arm rest. "I'm afraid so my lord". Shikaku said.

I can't wait for you to get home Kashi


My team and I were traveling through the trees as we searched for hideouts. The kidnappers were rumored to be a few miles outside of the fire nation. I had kamuied the six of us to the boarder and we went on from there.

They traveled a few feet behind me as I led. I couldn't help but notice the sun was starting to set. I wanted to keep searching but knew we would have to stop for the night. I kept going until I found an open area that was well shielded by trees and jumped down.

"We'll be setting up camp here". I said taking out a summon scroll and opened it up to let out my tent that was already set up. "Two of you go look for firewood and two more food. One of you will stay behind with me and go over the plan further".

"Shouldn't we all be here for that"? The Anbu member with a cat mask asked. "We will. I'll explain everything when the rest of you come back as well as listen to any opinions that you may have". They groaned but did as told.

My old Anbu team never gave me this much trouble

Word Count. 1395

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