Where Are You Part 4

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I was up getting the kids ready for school. I did their hair while they stood on their step stools brushing their teeth. After they were done I took them to their room and helped them get dressed one by one. Ace wore a dark blue shirt with blue pants and his ninja sandals.

Storm wore a grey shirt with black pants and his ninja sandals. Sina had on a purple shirt, blue pants, and her ninja sandals. I brought the three of them downstairs and sat them at the table while I made a quick breakfast for the four of us.

I made the four of us scrambled eggs with bacon and cheese. The kids had orange juice to drink while I drank a cup of coffee. After everyone was finished I placed the three of them on my back and traveled by roof as I brought them to school.

Once there I let them down and hugged them bye. "Ima be here as soon as school is over ok". "Ok daddy, love you". "I love the three of you as well". I kissed each of them on their heads then watched as they ran inside to meet their friends before heading to work.


My head was spinning as I slowly came to. The room I was in was dark with very little light available. I could tell I was strapped down to a bed but I could also feel a presence beside me.

I turned my head and activated my Sharingan so I could have a better look. To say I was shocked by what I saw would be an understatement. Inside a hug cage was a ten foot wolf with a thousand tails. Our eyes locked with each other's. I looked at him curiously while he looked at me suspiciously.

"Your the human they decided to lock me inside of". His voice was deep as he spoke. I looked into his eyes and saw nothing but anger and sadness in them. His sadness was hidden behind his anger but I was able to see it.

"Who are you? What's going on"? "Like you don't know". "I don't. The last thing I remember was writing my mission report and being ambushed afterwards". He looked at me skeptically. "How long have you been here"?

"Two days before you showed up. I was taken so I could be used as a weapon. I'm assuming it's the same reason they took you". I turned my head. I was now looking up at the ceiling. "This isn't good. I need to get home to my husband and kids".

"You might as well get comfortable, we'll be down here until they come back". I turned my head towards him again. "Your a tailed beast aren't you?can't you use your strength to break us out"?

"Why would I help a human? It's your kind that targeted me in the first place. All my kind wants is to live in peace and be left alone but you humans can't seem to do that". "Not all humans are bad. I know you have no reason to believe me but I absolutely hate what Jinjuriki have to go through.

A decision like that should be a choice they make. It shouldn't be forced on anyone.". "It sounds like your speaking from experience". "I don't know what it feels like being a jinjuriki but I do know of the hell they go through.

One of my students is the nine tails jinjuriki and his friend is the one tails jinjuriki". "I see". Loud footsteps could be heard making their way over to us. From what I could tell it was two men, their footsteps echoed as they came closer and closer to us.

I wasn't at all suprised to find out it was Orochimaru and Kabuto who had taken us. "You did good Kabuto. I didn't expect you would be able o get the Hokage's husband as our next project". He said smirking as he eyed me up and down.

"My purpose is to serve you lord Orochimaru". Kabuto said smiling. "You're crazy as hell if you think my husband won't find me". "We've taken percussions for that. It's going to be a long time before anyone finds you Kakashi Hatake".

I glared at him. He smirked, grabbed a face mask and put it on me. I tried my best to fight back against him but failed. I could feel my eyes getting heavy as I stared up at him.

Obito, please help us


I was in my office going over the mission reports Kakashi had sent me. The last one had arrived yesterday morning, it was now early noon. I expected him and his team to be back any minute. There was knock at my door a few minutes later.

"Come in".

The Anbu team I had sent with Kakashi on his mission came in one by one. I couldn't help but notice Kakashi wasn't with them though. "Wheres Kakashi"? I asked sitting up in my chair. "We're not sure sir".

The member with the bird mask asked. "What do you mean you're not sure? What happend to my husband"? I asked with my Sharingan activated. "This morning when we were all getting ready to take the missing children back to their villages Kakashi was no where to be found".

"Where were you staying"? "At an inn". "What condition was his room in"? "It was clean sir. His bed hadn't even been slept in". "And none of you found that suspicious"? "Our priority was the mission".

"No your priority was the mission and making sure you all came back safely. Hidden leaf ninja don't leave their comrades behind for dead. Are the children alright at least"? "Yes sir, they were all delivered safely back to their parents".

"Good. Your all dismissed until further notice". "Hai sir". They bowed and left. I let out a sigh then took out my phone and called my father. I was calling him off of my work phone so he would know it was serious.

Dad: Yes Obito?

Obito: I need your help finding Kakashi. His team came back today without him

Dad: I'll start investigating right away

Obito: Thank you

I hung up and leaned back in my chair with my eyes closed.

Please be alright


?????: Is it done?

Kabuto: Yes sir, the thousand tails has been successfully sealed inside of Kakashi Hatake

?????: Very good. I'll be there in a month to pick him up a long with your payment

Kabuto: Thank you sir. We look forward to your arrival

Word Count. 1107

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