Rescued By The Macia Part 10

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I watched them the entire time and hated every second of it. I hated how comfortable Kakashi was around him. I hated that he had the nerve to allow himself to smile around him. Siro needs to be filled with nothing but hatred but he can't feed off of Kakashi's hatred if Kakashi is happy instead of miserable.

We need to put an end to this. We need to get him home now instead of later.

I grabbed hold of my phone and called him immediately.

Boss: What's the situation looking like

Me: Not good sir, he's allowing himself to get close to Obito Uchiha

Boss: Does it look like he could be playing him

Me: No sir

Boss: Take action


"How are you feeling"?

Obito asked through our mind link as we rode on his bike. It was one of the ways jinjuriki could communicate with each other and also the only way we could communicate at the moment.

"I'm ok but there is something I want to know".

"Ask away".

"When I was assigned my mission my father mentioned that your father used jinjuriki kids as weapons to fight for him".

"That couldn't be farther from the truth, is it ok if I take you somewhere".

"As long as you're with me I don't care".

I said nothing as I allowed him to take me to a very large two-story brick house with a black roof and double wide brown doors and like the mansion there was a gravel road that was in the shape of a U.

Obito got off first before helping me off and taking my hand as he led me inside. I was beyond surprised to see that the first story resembled that of a hotel lounge and had a bunch of kids and teenagers running around playing with each other, what was even more surprising was that they were all jinjuriki.

"Obito". He looked over at me smiling. I was about to say more but was interrupted. "Obito, your back"! He smiled as a small girl ran over and jumped into his arms right away. "I missed you". She said hugging his neck. "I missed you too. Do you like it here with Miss Ryuko"? "Mhm, she's really nice but who's this"? She asked looking over at me.

"This is my boyfriend Kakashi"?

B boyfriend

"It's nice to meet you I'm Luna". I smiled. "Kakashi". "Why don't the three of us go somewhere to talk". Obito said causing us both to look at him confused.

"Luna where is Miss Ryuko"? Obito asked as he took us outside to the garden. We had walked for a bit but were now sitting in front of a water fountain on a bench. "In her office". " I see".

"Mhm". She smiled big. "Luna, is it ok if I tell Kakashi about your past? He is one of us after all". "Sure it's ok".  He turned to me. "Luna hasn't been here long Kakashi, in reality, I was only able to find her a few days before you came back into my life".

"I was scared at first but Mr. Obito is really nice and brought me here to meet Miss Ryuko who has been taking really good care of me along with Miss Aki". "They didn't hurt you"? I asked.

"No. Why would they"? "My aunt was trying to avenge her husband but she shouldn't have done what she did. I just hope she's able to move past this and only direct her anger at your father since he's the one who did it.

They were the ones that built this house but what you don't know is that most of these kids have been rescued from Sakumo". I looked at him in complete utter disbelief. "What"?

"I hate to say it but it's true love. Luna was living a peaceful life with her parents until he burned down her village, killed her parents, and turned her into a jinkuriki".

I wasn't the only one he did this to

"You look like him". Luna said. I couldn't say anything. "Sakumo's his dad but he's nothing like his father. He's kind, sweet, and loving". The next thing I knew she was hugging me tight. I hugged her back on instinct. "I'm sorry, I had no idea".

"Did he hurt you too". I nodded. "He did but none of that matters, I have Obito and so do you. He'll keep us both safe, you also have Miss Ryuko and Miss Aki, they won't let anyone hurt you again".

"Can we be friends"? "Of course sweetie".

Obito and I had gone for a walk after visiting Luna. I wanted to go straight home but he said the fresh air would be good for me and he was right. I could feel my nerves calming with each minute we spent out here.

"What are you feeling love"? "I don't think I'm scared of him anymore. I think all of my fear has turned into anger and rage". He nodded. "I'm sorry I told you like that but you needed to know the kind of man your father is".

"I already did. I don't care what he does to me but those kids were all innocent Obito, they didn't deserve this". "And neither did you Kashi". I said nothing. "What do you plan on doing now"? "I want to help. I want to join the Uchiha mafia and help you take down my father".

"You already are a member, Kashi, when I took you in is when you became a member". "You have always been nothing but kind to me Obi". "And it will continue to stay that way. I'll love you until you learn how to love yourself". I smiled at him and he smiled back. I allowed him to grab hold of my hand when he reached for it as we continued our nightly walk but was soon interrupted. A gas bomb appeared in front of us knocking us both out.

Word Count: 1007

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